Jewel of the Aisle

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(Opening shot: the city skyline at night.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! (Camera tilts down toward a jewelry shop.) Not exactly the best place for a jewelry store.

(The front window smashes out, and a figure jumps through to the sidewalk. An alarm goes off.)

Narrator: See what I mean?

(Ducking into an alley, the thief—a short, squat fellow in a knit cap—holds up a large jewel and looks at it greedily while police cars speed past on the street, screaming their sirens and flashing their lights, already on the search for him as soon as the alarm rang. He runs out once he's sure the coast is clear, but stops short after a few steps.)

Narrator: But it's not exactly the best place for crooks either.

(The girls are floating in front of him, looking quite displeased with the situation. While the police may have been unable to find the thief as soon as the theft occurred, the girls sure have, and quick too.)

Narrator: See what I mean?

Thief: Aw, fudge...

(He immediately runs into the street to try and escape the girls and is hit by a passing car. His head gets stuck in the windshield. The car speeds away, and something is flung onto the sidewalk—the driver. Side view of the thief, now in the driver's seat after getting rid of the original driver and gunning it into a tunnel. We then see him skid out and crash through the guardrail on a curve overlooking a cliff. He is thrown from the car, tumbling down a rocky slope. Cut to a train station. He bounces off the roof and lands on a passing train. When it reaches a bridge, he jumps into the river and starts swimming. A fisherman hooks something and begins to reel it in, but is promptly knocked out of his boat by the thief, who climbs in and speeds off.)

(The boat hits some rocks and he is thrown over the bow, flying into a roller rink. Inside, the organist plays skating music as the thief goes around and around, trying to keep his balance and blend in with the other skaters. Quick cut to the roof. He emerges from a doorway and continues rolling until he gets to the edge, where he jumps across to the next rooftop. He stops and looks around—no pursuers in sight—and raises his arms in triumph. Quick shot of the building he is standing on. It has a sign that says "GENERALLY FOOD CEREAL INC." and bears a logo similar to that of General Mills.)

(Close-up of the thief as he rolls away slowly, looking pleased with himself following his little incredible escape. Again he stops short when he finds himself face to face with the girls again, who have managed to either keep up with him, or were just waiting for him as soon as he fled from them. He laughs nervously, but is interrupted by a crackling noise. Cut to his feet, which are on a skylight that is giving way from his weight on it. Camera shifts to behind the girls, and after a long moment, the thief drops out of sight in a crash of glass.)

(Inside, we see machinery of various sorts and technicians in white coats walking everywhere. The thief falls in and pops into view, now similarly attired. He pulls his cap off and hides it, trying to blend in. Cut to the broken skylight as the girls fly in, then to a close-up of the thief. The camera pans to each side as he looks back out of the corners of his eyes, praying the girls don't see him. Back to the girls.)

Buttercup: You may be able to run—

Bubbles: You may be able to hide—

Blossom: —but we will meet again!

(Back to the thief as the girls, having made it clear they won't give up on catching him and putting him behind bars, take off through the hole, having given up the pursuit, for now. He looks up at it after they are gone. Overhead view of the factory floor, with him standing in the middle of the shot. Scientists continue to walk around, paying no attention to the new member standing still in the middle of the room.)

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