People Pleaser

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(Opening shot: the episode starts with a host named Braeden, broadcasting a video online.)

Host (Braeden): 'Sup, followers? I'm Braeden. And this is "Biomes with Braeden!" And we're talking biomes 24/7! (He grabs a guitar and flings it a few times.) Now, for you lame spaces that may not know... Lame! A biome is a large community of plants and animals that occupies a distinct region. Think, like, a desert. or your weird Uncle Ted's place. Ew! Now for my latest purchase. Peep on this... (He picked up a Box and shows it close to the camera, we see that is a box of playset names "Build-a- BIOME-playset") build-your-own-biome-playset! It's so easy, even a baby can do it. (camera focus to the baby on the box and produces a baby-cry)

(Suddenly a pause icon appears on the screen, someone has just pressed the pause button. Cut to the kitchen, we see Bubbles is sitting on a table, she just paused the video on her computer. she bought a playset too and is working on it)

Bubbles: Yeah! Even a baby can do it! (She placed a tree on the playset but it falls down. It's clear that is not as easy as she thinks. She takes the box closely to her) I'm pretty sure this baby has a PhD.

Blossom: (taking a bowl of fruits) Oh! You're building a biome for science class? (She pours the fruits into a juice extractor) Which one did you get, Bubbles?

Bubbles: I got the tiger! (She makes a tiger howl)

Blossom: (Started the extractor) You mean the taiga? The largest biome in the world towering Russian and Canadian forests, the toast of sub-Siberid? (She takes a bottles of fresh juice to Bubbles and pours some into Bubbles' cup)

(Suddenly an egg drop quickly into view and attracted Bubbles' attention. followed by another egg and drops into Bubbles' cup, splashes the juice in her face.)

Buttercup: Too bad you're not in my science class, Bubs. We're studying the egg drop. (she let her egg drop to the table and it cracked.)

Blossom: Buttercup, the point of the egg drop project is to drop the egg without breaking it.

Buttercup: (holding another egg) Says you. (Buttercup proceeds throws the egg at the cupboard, there are already 4 broken eggs and she makes it 5.)

(Cut to Bubbles, she tries again on her project. She planted 3 trees this time. )

Bubbles: And... perfect! (The trees seems standing straight, but one second later they falls down like the Dominoes. clearly Bubbles failed again, that ruins Bubbles' mood. she asks Blossom for help) Blossom, will you help me? My biome project is due tomorrow.

Blossom: (fly into view) Bubbles, I would be honored! (she takes out her phone) I will make it my top priority after school today. (She create a task "BIOME" with a Bubbles' smile on her To-Do List. we see Bubbles is looking her full of anticipation.)

(Cut to a ringing school bell, the students are after school and ready to go home.)

Boy: Thanks for the help today.

Blossom: Bye, guys! (She closes the locker door and fly away while Ms. Keane opens the classroom's door behind her)

Ms. Keane: Oh, Blossom! Just the little over-achiever I was looking for. (Blossom flies back)

Blossom: Yes, Ms. Keane?

Ms. Keane: (Shows a poster to Blossom) Martin Beanowitz from the Bean Town Beanery is visiting the class tomorrow to talk about running a small restaurant.

(Cut to a man --- Martin Beanowitz, he is holding a plate of beans)

Martin: Bean up, bean down, bean all 'round. Bean town. (he puts a spoon of bean into his mouth)

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