Imaginary Fiend

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(Opening shot: the city skyline, from a distance, in the morning.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! (Pull back to the suburbs as he continues.) A friendly place that awakens every morn with the friendly sound of friendly children, heading off to a friendly day of education.

(We have now pulled back quite some way, far enough to show one of the roads leading from the city. The girls fly across the screen, and a herd of kids stampedes out of one of the side streets and turns onto this road, cheering and yelling. Some seconds after they have run o.c., a single child emerges from one of the houses and walks slowly along. The kids run down the block, their enthusiasm still high, as the girls fly past overhead. Again the lone child trails them considerably; now we are close enough to see that it is a small boy with his head down, carrying a lunchbox. The kids charge past the third time as the girls fly along above them, this single boy still lagging well behind. His face is now clearly seen - very worried and nervous, and not exactly looking forward to the whole experience of education.)

(Cut to the exterior of Pokey Oaks Kindergarten as the bell rings. The kids pile in through the front door right on time, but the boy is well behind them. He walks up the path to the door and looks at it; cut to above and in front of him. He looks up at the camera rather pitifully. After a long moment, the door opens and throws a rectangle of light onto him. Ms. Keane's shadow is thrown in front of him. She waves in welcome.)

Ms. Keane: (from o.c.) Well, hi there. We've been expecting you. (Pull back to the school exterior; she continues from inside as he steps in.) Come on in. Don't be shy.

(Inside, she addresses the class.)

Ms. Keane: Good morning, children.

Class: Good morning, Ms. Keane!

Ms. Keane: Now, class, I have a little surprise for you.

Blossom: You're getting a nose job?

Bubbles: You're getting married?

Buttercup: You're getting fired?

(Y/N): Your getting shocked?

Ms. Keane: (looking rather nonplussed) No, not that kind of surprise. (smiling) Today we have a new student. (Turn down to her feet as she continues.) Everyone, I'd like you to meet Mike. Mike Believe. Mike? Mike?

(She steps to one side, revealing the boy, Mike. He looks absolutely terror-stricken and wastes no time in ducking behind her again.)

Ms. Keane: Uh, now, Mike... (She sidesteps and he hides behind her again.) Okay, Mike. Just take a seat.

(He slowly steps out from behind her; cut to him as he walks past the girls and (Y/N)'s desk' desk, the camera following. Buttercup and Blossom watch him with some trepidation.)

Bubbles: (waving) Hi, Mike. I'm Bubbles. It's very

(He has taken no notice of her greeting. Close-up of him, now seated at a desk. Pull back slowly to show him by himself at the back of the room. The other kids are looking at him intently. Dissolve to a long shot of him in the sandbox on the playground. Kids run past, laughing and playing, but he does and says nothing. Pan left across the yard to the girls; Blossom and Buttercup are swinging a jump rope for Bubbles with (Y/N) sitting near them but away from the rope. These first two look in Mike's general direction.)

Buttercup: What's wrong with that kid? He won't play with anyone.

(Close-up of Bubbles, who stops jumping and floats above ground as the rope twirls around her.)

Bubbles: He's probably just shy. I like him.

Blossom: (from o.c.) Bubbles! (Pull back.) You're forgetting to jump again!

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