Stuck, Up, Up, and Away

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(Opening shot: the city skyline in the morning.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville, (Camera turns down to the street.) and it's a shiny new day, with a shiny new limousine heading for Pokey Oaks Kindergarten.

(Camera follows a white limo as it pulls up in front of the school. Close-up of the rear door.)

Narrator: Seems there will be a shiny new face joining the class today.

(A tuxedo-clad arm - the chauffeur's - reaches into view and opens the door. Inside is a small girl standing in front of a man in a white suit. The top half of her face and his entire head are cut off by the top edge of the screen. She has her hand out and is addressing him in the tone of the chronically dissatisfied. She wears a yellow sweater and a lavender skirt with matching shoes.)

Girl: I'll need some milk money for my first day of new school.

(He pulls a stack of cash out of his pocket and gives it to her.)

Girl: (sighing contemptuously) I suppose it'll do.

(During the next line, follow her as she walks to the front door, where Ms. Keane is standing. Her face is still obscured.)

Ms. Keane: Well, hi there. It's nice to finally meet you. Come on in. (Cut to her in the classroom.) Everyone, can I have your attention? I'd like you all to give a nice, warm welcome to our new friend, Princess Morbucks.

(Camera turns down to the girl on the end of this line; now we see all of her. She has curly red-brown hair parted in the middle and "spoiled brat" written all over her face.)

Class: Hi, Princess!

Girl (Princess): Hmm.

(Camera follows her as she crosses the room. The first kids she passes are Bubbles, (Y/N), and Mitch Mitchelson, playing with building blocks.)

Mitch: Hi, Princess! Wanna help us build a skyscraper?

Princess: (stopping) When I want to build a skyscraper, my daddy builds me a real one in any city I want. (Bubbles and Mitch are offended.)

(Behind her, several other kids, including Buttercup, have some cardboard boxes set up in a row for a train. The boy playing engineer calls to her.)

Boy: Hey, Princess! Get on aboard the choo-choo es-prex! (Buttercup imitates the whistle.)

Princess: I only travel first class, on my daddy's private Lear jet. (The kids all suddenly frown.)

(Next to her, a boy pops out of a potted plant. It is Harry Pitt, the dirty kid from "Paste Makes Waste," with a toy shovel in hand.)

Harry: Hey, Princess! Do you dig dirt?

Princess: (drawing back) Yecch! No!

(Cut to a table with a cage on it. In the cage is a hamster, happily running on its wheel. A girl watches it go as Princess walks up.)

Girl 2: Hi, Princess. Wanna play with Twiggy, our class hamster?

(The view shifts to inside the cage. Twiggy has stopped running.)

Princess: (through cage wall) Ewww, no! I do not want to play with your smelly, mangy little rat! Blecch!

(Close-up of Twiggy, sad and frightened. After a moment, she begins running at top speed.)

Narrator: Oh, no! In Twiggy's distressed state, her frantic attempt to get far away has caused a nut to work itself loose from her scamper wheel!

(As he says this, cut to an extreme close-up of the nut holding the wheel to its mount. It falls off, and the wheel rolls away until it hits the side of the cage, sending it flying in the direction the wheel was going. Pull back to the table; the cage slides over the edge and begins to fall in slow motion. The girl screams, but Princess, standing behind her, shows no change in expression. Ms. Keane and the other kids are alarmed.)

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