Pee Pee G's

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(Opening shot: the city skyline at night. There are some clouds, but they disappear as the sun rises. Cut to the exterior of Townsville Hall during the Narrator's first words.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! In the wee, wee hours of the morning, the rains are gone, and the sun is shining brightly.

(On the end of this, cut to a long shot of Mojo Jojo's observatory. In the foreground, a bird perches on the edge of a birdbath and chirps happily.)

Narrator: The grasses are green with flowers a-bloom. (The exterior of Pokey Oaks Kindergarten.) The birds are singing. The winter is finally past. And the sweet smell of spring is in the air.

(As he finishes, cut to a long shot of the city proper, with the suburbs spread out before it and the sun fully risen. Next the exterior of the girls' house is seen; zoom in slowly.)

Narrator: No more wet days for the people of Townsville. (Inside, the girls are fast asleep.) That's right! (Buttercup yawns; the others' eyelids flutter.) And no more wet days for the Powerpuff Girls.

(They doze off again, but quickly snap awake with shock written across all their faces. They zip out of bed; cut to a point above it near the ceiling, where they are floating and looking down with some consternation.)

Buttercup: What the...?

Girls: I didn't do it! (pointing at one another) She did it! You did it! I didn't do it!

Blossom: WAIT!! I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation.

(Cut to the bed, where the source of all the concern is clearly visible due to the blankets having been thrown back. There is a large wet spot that stretches nearly the full width of the mattress; the girls float down to inspect it.)

Blossom: Hmm...I know! Maybe the rains blew in through the open window.

Buttercup: (looking out window) Nope. I don't think so. Hey! Maybe pipes leaked through the ceiling.

(Bubbles kicks at the ceiling; a large piece of plaster falls away to reveal plumbing that appears very much in order.)

Bubbles: Nope. Dry as nomads' lips in the Sahara Desert. (floating down to bed) Blossom, maybe you spilled your glass of water last night.

Blossom: I didn't get up for a glass of water last night. Maybe you slept upside down and drooled everywhere.

Bubbles: I didn't sleep upside down last night. Maybe the waterbed leaked.

Blossom: We don't have a waterbed.

Bubbles: Hmm. (Buttercup gasps.)

Buttercup: I know! Maybe... (accusingly) ...somebody whizzed in the bed last night!

(The argument is put on hold by an incoming call on the hotline. Cut to the city skyline, where the reason for said call - a colossal squid - is tearing up the architecture. The girls fly into view and stop near it.)

Blossom: Let's split up!

(They do so. Cut to Blossom in flight. Her determination fades as she mulls over the situation.)

Blossom: (thinking) I didn't do it. It must have been Buttercup. She was exceptionally defensive.

(She is struck by a tentacle and stops in her tracks.)

Blossom: Ow! (Cut to Bubbles, stopped in midair; zoom in slowly.)

Bubbles: (thinking) It had to have been Blossom. She's such a heavy sleeper. I know it was her.

(A jet of squid ink douses her thoroughly. Cut to Buttercup, also in neutral.)

Buttercup: (thinking) Bubbles is such a baby. It had to be her, I just know it.

Powerpuff girls (male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now