Arachno Romance

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(At the Powerpuff Girls' House)

(In the house)

Blossom: (Squeals) It's almost time! (Quickly flies to the TV which has 2 boomboxes and tilts it to the side) The TV tilts at 5.3 degrees to a point clear. (Quickly flies to the other side of the TV with the 2nd boombox) (Turns up the volume) Paper set to optimal volume. (Quickly flies to the couch and sets up a pillow) Couch pillows fluffed. (Looks at the snacks on the coffee table, a bowl of chips and three bowls of popcorn and sits on the couch) This will be the best movie night ever!

Professor: Just a minute, girls. (Looks at a mirror behind him fixing his hair)

Blossom: (Buttercup and Bubbles appear on the couch next to her) Professor, hurry. You're gonna miss the beginning of (Eyes turn into stars) Space Towtruck And The Infinite Jumper Cables. (The 2 bowls of popcorn and chips appear on Bubbles and Buttercup's legs, as the sodas are on the coffee table)

Buttercup: Finally.

Professor: (Gets up from the couch as a ring from the doorbell is heard) Oh, she's here.

Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup: Who's here?

(The Professor goes to the door and opens it revealing Sapna)

Sapna: (A background of flowers appears around her) Hi, everyone.

Professor: (Gives her a flower and she takes it) Oh, you look lovely. Girls, this is Dr. Sapna Nehru.

Sapna: (Kisses him) Sorry I'm late, cuddle king.

Buttercup: Cuddle king?

Sapna: (The Professor brings her over to meet his girls) Thank you for having me. I've heard so much about you. I mean, from the Professor. Not just like, the news. I mean everything I hear on TV. Wait. Am I still talking? I'll stop talking.

Professor: Isn't she the best? (All 3 Girls blink) I asked her to join us for Family Movie Night. She's the woman I've been telling you about. (He and Sapna sit on the couch squishing Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup)

Sapna: Ooh. Thanks for making room, guys.

Blossom: Personal... boundaries... being... violated.

Bubbles: At least this cheesy popcorn is delicious. (Eats the piece of popcorn)

Sapna: Do you guys have any snacks to spare?

Professor: Of course. (Takes Bubbles' bowl of cheesy popcorn) Want some more?

Bubbles: Hey. My popcorn.

Space Towtruck And The Infinite Jumper Cables Movie Announcer: (Showing big words that says "THREE AGONIZING MINUTES" in big letters) In just three agonizing minutes, you couldn't believe what happens to Space Towtruck this time.

Buttercup: This is going to be next level sick! The most important movie event of our generation! Nothing's gonna move me from this spot for the next three... (Sees a spider on the floor) (Screams) A spider!

All 3 Girls: Kill it, kill it, kill it!

Sapna: (Picks up the spider in her hand) No, no, girls. Spiders are our friends. They keep your house safe from other bugs. (Pets it) Oh, yes, you do.

Professor: (While the 3 Girls look at this in fright) Sapna's a biologist. Specializing in arachnid studies.

Sapna: I study spiders every day.

Buttercup: On purpose?

Sapna: How would you like to watch the movie with us, little guy? (Puts the spider on the coffee table) Here's a seat up front.

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