Buttercup vs. Math

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(Theme Song)

(Buttercup and Maylyn come running into Midway Elementary School, skating)

Buttercup: (Lands on a student's head, hitting him) Huh! (Lands on the hallway right next to Maylyn) Yeah!

Maylyn: First one to math class gets the title of baddest girl in school!

Buttercup: Huh! And I get to call Blossom a nerd?

Maylyn: Huh! You're on! Later, loser! (Skates ahead)

Buttercup: (Like a rail, she skates over a student's back into the air in the school) Head's up! (As students scream and run out of the way, her skates slice a paper mache head with the version's likeness of Barry on the floor)

Barry: (Walks up, looking at this) Oh, no! My life-size paper mache self-portrait! Aw, now what am I gonna bring for show and tell? (Maylyn skates in, slicing the head in half as she and Buttercup skate together, the classroom's door wide open in front of them.) (Buttercup playfully elbows Maylyn hard as Maylyn does the same, and they continuously do it.)

Buttercup: Take that! (The two of them fall as a ball rolling fast to the front of the door, and they stop, laughing, but they stop as Ms. Keane appears at the entrance.)

Ms. Keane: (Straight, but stern) Buttercup!

Buttercup: (Looks up at her) Huh?

Ms. Keane: (Soft, but still stern) You are not to come to this class ever again!

Maylyn: (In awe) Whoa, finally. You're not even in the room, and you're already banned for life? You truly are the baddest girl in... (Gets interrupted by Ms. Keane)

Ms. Keane: Honors Math.

Maylyn: (Shocked) Honors Math?!

Buttercup: Honors Math?

Blossom, (Y/N), and Bubbles: (Voice) Honors Math?

Buttercup: (Skates a little bit to her sisters and (Y/N)) Oh, hey, guys.

Maylyn: (Close to Blossom next to her) Nerd.

Blossom: Oh, thank you.

(Y/N): Well it does mean smart so it's a compliment.

Ms. Keane: (Singsong) Congratulations, Buttercup! (Normal voice) You tested into Honors Math!

Buttercup: (Calm, but still shocked) I did?

Blossom: Wow. Well, Buttercup, I have to say I'm pretty surprised. But these years have happened. Now, let's go. (Floats down a little bit, taking Buttercup's hand, floating away) Don't wanna be late on our first day of Honors Math.

Ms. Keane: (Stops Blossom in her tracks) Her first day. Blossom, you're in regular math with everyone else.

Blossom: (Gasps in shock) Everyone else?!

Bubbles: Hey, me and (Y/N) with everyone else. (Makes a big smile as Blossom weighs down like a heavy barbell onto the floor still in shock) (Dragging (Y/N) and Blossom, who's on the floor with scratch marks in front of the door) Let's go. Time to fill our heads with numbers.

Ms. Keane: (While walking in from the hallway) Come on, Maylyn, class is about to start.

Maylyn: (About to skate into the room, but stops outside the door) Whoa, wait a second. (Turns around) If you're in Honors Math now, do I still call Blossom a nerd? Are you a nerd? (Her face turns into confusion) Oh, man, I am so confused.

Buttercup: It's just a stupid class. I'm still the baddest girl in school. It's not gonna change my image. (In the Honors Math classroom as a male teacher puts a paper crown with a math symbol on her head as the students keep repeatedly saying "Math Queen" and they stop.)

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