Mr. Mojo's Rising

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(Opening shot: the city skyline in the afternoon.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville...

(As he continues, the camera turns down quickly to ground level, through a cutaway view of the earth's layers. The view resolves into the Professor's lab and pans slowly to the door.)

Narrator: ...cannot be seen from the windowless laboratory of the Powerpuff Girls' suburban home. Nevertheless, it is in this dim den where the brightest of births took place—the creation of the Powerpuff Girls! Every afternoon, Professor Utonium returns to this subterranean lab to continue his noodling with nature. (The door opens.) Oh! Here he comes now.

(Humming to himself, the Professor descends the stairs, walks to a desk, and lights a match to get his pipe going. Pan away from him to the far wall, where we see the shadows of him and the desk cast large. He is leaning back in his chair. Behind him, the shadow of a long-handled mallet falls onto the wall and aligns itself with his head. The shadow descends; we see a flash of light and hear the Professor grunt briefly in surprise and pain. When the screen clears, the shadows of him and his chair are lying on the floor and being dragged o.c.)

(Cut back to the door, now closed again. It opens suddenly.)

Bubbles: (from hall) Professor!

(Zoom in on the stairs. Bubbles flies down, with Buttercup close behind and smacking her repeatedly with a sadistic smile on her face as she does.)

Bubbles: Buttercup's hitting me! (The two continue o.c.)

Buttercup: (from o.c.) I am not!

Blossom: (flying downstairs) Girls, stop!

(Cut to the girls at the bottom of the stairs and pull back quickly as they gasp in shock. Across the lab, some smashed glassware and the Professor's pipe are seen. Buttercup has stopped smacking Bubbles at this point.)

Girls: Professor? (Close-up of Bubbles.)

Bubbles: Where'd he go?! (Blossom comforts her as she starts crying; pan right to Blossom and Buttercup.)

Blossom: Look for clues. Quick! (The two zip away.)

(Blossom and Buttercup fly back and forth across the lab as Bubbles sadly approaches the desk. On it are the pipe, a burning notepad—set on fire by the ashes—and a sheet of paper. She picks up the pipe and regards it for a long moment, during which the fire goes out, then notices the sheet.)

Bubbles: Hey... (picking it up; the others stop behind her) ...could this be a clue?

(The sheet is very long, almost a scroll. Blossom and Buttercup look over her shoulders. Close-up of the top end, the camera turning down slowly to show all the text.)

Mojo Jojo: (voice-over, reading) "Dear Powerpuff Girls, I have kidnapped Professor Utonium! I have taken him someplace against his will! If you look for him in the spots he likes to be, you will not find him! He's with me, but not by choice! I took him and he didn't like it! This message is from, and was written by, Mojo Jojo."

[Spelling error in the scene: "Someplace" is misspelled.]

(Close-up of Bubbles, shrugging in bewilderment.)

Bubbles: Who could have done this?

(Pull back; her sisters glare at her in disgust from behind her back over her moment of stupidity. She does not see them, though—she is thinking very hard.)

Blossom: Let's roll! (She and Buttercup take off; Bubbles, surprised, follows them.)

(Cut to a long shot of the observatory, zooming in slowly.)

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