Moral Decay

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(Opening shot: the city skyline in the afternoon.)

Narrator: The City of Townsville...where, when they're not cleaning up crime—

(As he continues, pull back to show the city framed in a window of the girls' house. Bubbles is dusting.)

Narrator: —the girls are hard at work, cleaning up their beloved home.

(She zips off across the room. Blossom runs the vacuum cleaner, carrying the couch overhead. Bubbles continues her dusting, and Blossom puts the vacuum to work on the ceiling for a bit. In a flash, pictures are straightened, trash and toys are picked up, and bookshelves are put in order. Cut to a close-up of a coffee table being polished. Buttercup's reflection appears on the surface.)

Buttercup: Aw, I hate cleaning up around here! (Pull back; she is in the living room.) What's the point? It's just gonna get dirty again. (Bubbles flies past, carrying a trash bag.)

Bubbles: I think it's fun! (Blossom flies into view, hauling a box marked "JUNK.")

Blossom: Yeah. And the Professor said we'd get a special surprise once we finish. (She flies o.c.)

Buttercup: (not impressed) Oh, really?

(Close-up of the open lab door. The Professor is led through it into the living room. Blossom has him by the hand, Bubbles covers his eyes, and Buttercup floats sullenly behind.)

Bubbles: (removing her hands) Okay Professor, you can look now.

(Camera pans across the house—his perspective.)

Professor: Wow! Girls, you've really outdone yourselves. This place looks great! (Blossom flies into view.)

Blossom: (babbling) You're surprised, aren't you? Really surprised. I'm also surprised how good we did. In fact, it surprises me that— (Side view of the group.)

Professor: (laughing) Oh, right. Now, girls— (reaching into pocket) —what I'm gonna give you is not to be taken lightly. (Close-up.) With it comes a big responsibility. But I think it's time you began to understand the value of...

(Cut to his perspective of them on the end of this line. He holds up a Golden Dollar coin.)

Professor: ...a dollar!

(They gasp in surprise; we see the whole group again. He holds out three dollars in his open palm.)

Professor: There's one for each of you. (Blossom and Bubbles each take one; he gives the third to Buttercup.)

Blossom: Wow, Professor! Thanks!

Bubbles: Yeah! Tha—Hey! This is a quarter!

Blossom: No, it's not. (Close-up of the coin in her hand, heads up; she continues o.c.) It's the new Sacagawea Dollar. (Pull back again.)

Bubbles: (suspiciously) Oh...okay, then. (smiling) Thank you, Professor.

Professor: You're welcome. Buttercup, what do you say?

(Zoom in slowly on Buttercup as she speaks.)

Buttercup: (with mounting fervor) What? What can I say?! "Thank you" is not enough to express my gratitude! This is the first piece of currency that I've ever had, and it's all mine! All mine! To do with whatever I want! I've never had this feeling before!

Professor: Well, I'm glad you like it. Now, gir—

Buttercup: Like it?! I love it! The feel! The taste! The smell, the power! I now understand why Mojo's always robbing banks!

Professor: (worried) Well, I— (Buttercup again, with Blossom next to her.)

Buttercup: I need more! And the more I get — (Blossom pulls her dollar coin out of reach.) — maybe I'll be able to save up and buy that punching bag I've been eyeing. And then I can punch! (throwing punches) BAM! POW!

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