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Note: WD = wavering dissolve.)

(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! (Turn down to the street and follow a minibus down the block.) Where all the who's-who of the city's most frou-frou are preparing for the big to-do at the home of Townsville's very own Professor U.

(During this line, the minibus rolls into the suburbs and pulls up in front of the girls' house. Close-up of a sandal-clad foot, with flies circling it, and lifted to ring the doorbell with its big toe. Pull back to show said foot as belonging to a rather scraggly young fellow with a large covered tray hoisted over his head and a dirty apron over his clothes - a caterer delivering food for this big event. More flies buzz around him. The door opens to reveal the Professor on its other side; he wears a bow tie and a dinner jacket, complete with a flower for the buttonhole.)

Professor: Yes?

Caterer: (sniffling) Townsville Quality Discount Catering.

Professor: Oh, yes. Come in.

(Cut to the living room. Blossom and Buttercup fly into view next to the Professor; they are wearing party dresses that look very much like their everyday clothing, but the skirts puff out a bit. Blossom is in a good mood, but Buttercup is considerably less enthused about the wardrobe change. A small green bow is perched in the brunette's hair, down toward one side of her head. The sound of clattering utensils is heard o.c. - the caterer at work laying everything out.)

Blossom: Wow! What's all this?

Professor: It's what we're gonna be serving at tonight's party, girls.

(Camera shifts to behind the three. They are looking at a table on which the caterer has spread out the food; he stands at one end.)

Caterer: Totally, and on the menu we got, like...

(Close-up of his end, where a pitcher of some beverage sits among several glasses. As he continues, pan along the table to show the named items and others.)

Caterer: (from o.c.) ...non-alcoholic sparkling chilled apple juice, black-eyed peas, baked ham, fried calamari, bacon-bit salad, and for dessert my very own creation: banana cream pie.

(Stop on this last item as it is mentioned. The bananas are whole, unpeeled, and protruding from a pile of cream filling that stands at least twice as high as it ought to. He leans into view and give a double thumbs-up.)

Caterer: It's wicked awesome, bro. (He laughs; pull back. He holds up a clipboard.) Please sign here. (The Professor does so.)

Professor: Thank you very much.

(The caterer walks o.c.; cut to the front door. He exits and pulls it shut - leaving behind a cloud of flies. They buzz near the door for a few seconds, after which he opens it a crack and they leave as well. Back to the Professor and the two girls at the spread; he rubs his hands eagerly over it.)

Professor: Oh boy, oh boy, oh, boy! I sure do love parties. Don't you, girls?

Buttercup: (indignant) No! 'Cause I have to wear this stupid girly party dress and I look like a dork!

Professor: Oh, honey, you both look adora- hey! Where's Bubbles?

Buttercup: (very snarky) She's probably upstairs combing her hair, so she'll be the "prettiest girl at the party."

(She crosses her eyes and imitates Bubbles on the last five words. Cut to said girl, who is brushing her hair at the bedroom vanity. She too wears a party dress, and each pigtail is tied with a small blue bow. The camera is near the head of the bed, pointing along it toward her back.)

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