Sweet 'n' Sour

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(Opening shot; the city skyline in the day time)

Narrator: The city of Townsville!

(The camera pulls down to where we see Townsville National Bank as it explodes) Where a typical day is exploding with typical crimes. (Mojo Jojo giggles as we cut to Fuzzy Lumpkins playing a sour note on his banjo "Jo") Where sour notes are usually exspective. (We cut to the old lady who was scared of the shadows of the Gangreen Gang) And the usualler suspects. Are always en-large. (Big Billy push Ace, Lil' Arturo, Grubber and Snake out of the way. Then three girls from the shadows flew up as we see Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup flying up in the sky) But to to preform... The Powerpuff Girls always come to the rescue! (Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup started to kicked butt at Grubber, Snake, Lil' Arturo, Big Billy and Ace. The old lady put her thumb up at the girls. Buttercup and Bubbles hit Fuzzy Lumpkins in the head with his Banjo "Jo" and Blossom breaks it in half and all the people cheered and Fuzzy hangs his head down sadly. Then Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup kicked butt at Mojo Jojo as Mojo Jojo flew toward the newspaper pile as it got ruin and one got zoomed in on screen saying "PPGS save the day" Then we cut to the girls in their bedroom. Buttercup is playing with a toy car with (Y/N), Blossom is reading the newspaper and Bubbles is kissing her stuffed animals)

Blossom: It's the same old same old, I tell you.

Bubbles: Ooh, little puppy, I love you... (Kisses the puppy doll) and I love you..(Kisses the kitty doll)... and I-(Looks at the Hunchback doll)...think you're swell. (Puts the hunchback doll under the bed)

Buttercup: (Jumps up from the doll pile and bites the bunny doll by shaking it)

Bubbles: (Gasps) Buttercup, stop! You're hurting my babies! Stop! (Buttercup lets go of the Bunny doll)

Buttercup: Geez, Bubbles, they're just stuffed animals.

Bubbles: I don't care, they're cute and fuzzy, and I love them.

(Y/N): She's not wrong they are fuzzy, just that can't think of much things as "cute."

(The girls look at (Y/N) but before he looks at them they look away from him.)

Blossom: (to Buttercup) You wouldn't hurt them if they were real. And they're real to Bubbles, so cool it. (Bubbles kisses the Bunny doll)

Buttercup: Saps! That's what you are, a bunch of saps. (Then the hotline phone goes off as it rings and Blossom answers the hotline phone)

Blossom: Hello? Yeah Mayor, what's up? (Pause) Oh, okay, we'll be right there. (Hangs up the hotline phone boredly) Another robbery at the bank. Come on. (Then we fade to the Townsville National Bank who goes off too as the girls burst in) Alright, who is this... (She, Bubbles and Buttercup gasps as they saw a big surprise. Bunny's eye, Puppy chest, Kitty's tail, Bunny's tail, Puppy's ears, Kitty's ears, Puppy's smile and Bunny's smile; We see three baby animals with their big rainbow eyes adorable; Fluffy Kitty, Cuddly Bunny and Puppy Wuppy also as The Fluffy Bunch! The Bank Manager handed the last bag of money to Cuddly Bunny)

Bank Manager: Here's the last bag of money. Now don't forget to come on back and rob us again tomorrow. Ohh, you're so cute. (Pets Cuddly Bunny on the head)

Bubbles: Look! The bank's being held up by little baby animals. Isn't that sweet?

Buttercup: Watch out, they could be dangerous. I'll take of this! (Flew over to The Fluffy Bunch)

Blossom: Wait! Buttercup! (Fluffy Kitty, Cuddly Bunny and Puppy Wuppy smiles with their eyes close but then Buttercup grabbed Cuddly Bunny's arm as she shakes in fear)

Buttercup: Hey! Where do you think you're going with Townsville's money?

Cuddly Bunny: Ow! You hurt me! (Puppy Wuppy and Fluffy Kitty got closer to Cuddly Bunny cowering in fears bursting to tears)

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