Cootie Gras

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(Opening shot: the city skyline in the afternoon.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville!

(Camera pulls back and starts to pan across the park. We see various couples - one of which was featured on the Real Kolor Film ad in "Mime for a Change" - in the throes of romance.)

Narrator: And love is in the air! Can't you just feel it?

(Two young lovers ride by on a tandem bicycle; in the background, a man pushes a woman on a swing. Zoom in on a tree, in whose branches two birds are getting ready to join in the general spirit of things. One of the birds wears a fedora - the male.)

Male bird: (French accent) Oh, my darling, have I ever told you about the birds and the bees? (He chuckles.)

Narrator: Hey, there. (Both look up, surprised.) Behave, you two. (The male chuckles again.)

(Cut to the exterior of Pokey Oaks Kindergarten, from across the street, and zoom in.)

Narrator: Even the youth of Townsville feel spring in the air.

(Dissolve to a slow pan across the playground. It's recess time, and kids are playing happily in small and large groups. One girl sits in a circle with several other kids.)

Girl 1: Your turn, Sammy.

(In the foreground, near the building, a boy and girl are talking.)

Girl 2: Will you go with me?

Boy 1: Okay.

(Behind them, another girl approaches the classroom door. A boy opens it for her.)

Boy 2: After you, my dear.

Girl 3: No, no, after you.

Boy 2: Oh, no, I insist. After you. (She starts in, then turns to him.)

Girl 3: Why thank you.

Narrator: Brotherly love, I calls it. (She goes in, the camera following.) That is, of course, unless you have...

(A quick flash of the face of a very ugly boy is seen at right. His lips are puckered for a kiss. Cut to an extreme close-up of his mouth, which is drooling and showing some very bad teeth as a result of very poor hygiene.)

Narrator: ...cooties!

(Pull back; the boy in question is Harry Pitt, smacking his lips and stretching his arms out wide to grab whatever comes his way, every smack sending saliva everywhere from his mouth, with him oblivious to the reaction this is triggering due to how disgusting and vile it looks. Cut to the exterior of the school as the door bursts open and she runs out screaming.)

Girl 3: (running o.c.) Cooties!

(Harry runs out after her. Back to the playground.)

Girl 2, Boy 1: Cooties?! (They run o.c.)

(Now he runs all over the yard; the other kids scatter as soon as he gets anywhere near them. A boy and girl play on a seesaw, but stop - with him on the low end. He is Hanout, who had a bit of a part in "Ice Sore.")

Hanout: Cooties!

(He splits, leaving her up high; after a moment, she drops to the ground. A boy plays jacks but stops at the sound of lips smacking. He and two other kids look in that direction.)

Boy 3: Cooties! (All three run away o.c.)

(A boy on the swing set stops in mid-arc.)

Boy 4: Cooties! (He jumps down.)

(Now we see the entire class in a stampede before the camera cuts to the girls. Blossom is having her hair brushed by Bubbles, while Buttercup looks elsewhere with a rather sour expression. (Y/N) sits with them as the girl blushes with him very close.)

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