Little Miss Interprets

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(Opening skyline of Townsville)

Narrator: The city of Townsville is enjoying a quiet, relaxing Saturday morning.

(Fade to the Professor's lab. Slow pan across the lab)

Narrator: Except our scientifically devoted Professor, who is hard at work, (puzzled) baking cakes?

(The Professor runs by quickly holding a steaming tray)

Professor: (rushing) Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!

(A loud crash is heard offscreen. The Professor is hovering over the steaming tray on a table)

Professor: (relieved) Phew! That was a close one! (looks at the tray in disappointment) Oh, I knew this would happen. My first attempts always turn out to be disasters!

(Cut to the hallway outside the lab. Bubbles floats by unknowingly. The Professor's voice is heard outside the door as Bubbles passes)

Professor: Blossom is all crusty, Buttercup is hardly perfect, (Hearing this, Bubbles zooms back to the door and leans her ear up against it) and Bubbles! Ick, just horrible! (sighs) Well, I guess I should just make three new ones. (Cut back to Bubbles, her mouth wobbles and her eyes fill up with tears as the Professor continues) I mean, there is no way they will ever be good enough.

(Cut the Girl's bedroom door as it slams open)

Bubbles: (yelling, distraught) HE'S MAKING NEW POWERPUFF GIRLS!!!!

(Pull out to Buttercup and Blossom playing with toys on the floor then back to Bubbles sobbing)

Bubbles: (Crying so hard it's difficult to understand what she is saying) The Profess-The he-The he said Bubbles- (sobs a few times) horrible... and-and-and disaster-and crusty-and making new-

(She is suddenly cut off by a slap in the face. Pull back to all three girls)

Buttercup: (Shaking her by the arms) Bubbles! Get a grip!

(Bubbles shakes her head)

Blossom: Now start over, what exactly did the Professor say?

Bubbles: (Calmed down a bit, but still teary-eyed) I'm trying to tell you! He doesn't want us anymore.

Blossom: (Shakes her head in disbelief) That's crazy!

Buttercup: Have you been eating your crayons again?

Bubbles: (still teary eyed) I heard it with my own ears.

(Cut back to the Professor in his lab. he is covered in blue, pink, and green frosting)

Professor: (half-heartedly) Oh, who am I kidding, I can't decorate cakes! The surprise party will be ruined!

(Cut to the girls floating down the stairs. Then back to the Professor.)

Professor: Oh, gosh, they're so ugly!

(Cut to three cakes with the girl's horribly decorated faces on them. Cut back to the girls listening to what the Professor is saying through the door.)

Professor: I knew adding that extra ingredient to the concoction was a mistake! (Cut to each one of the girls as he talks) I should have stuck to the original recipe of sugar and spices. (small sigh) Well, this time I'm getting it right. (The girls look at each other in shock) This time, they'll really be perfect!

(Fade to the front of the house. Blossom can be heard sniffling and sobbing softly, cut to the bedroom where Blossom is in tears on the floor, Bubbles is crying on the bed, and Buttercup is on the floor with an angry look on her face.)

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