Three girls and a monster

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(Opening shot: a black-and-white newspaper picture of the city skyline, with the caption "THE CITY OF TOWNSVILLE" beneath it.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville...

(Pull back to reveal the picture as part of the front page of the Townsville Tribune, with the banner headline "THE CITY OF TOWNSVILLE WINS TEAMWORK AWARD.")

Narrator: ...wins teamwork award!

(Pull back again to show the paper in the hands of a man, who crumples it up and tosses it over his shoulder. A woman on a nearby bench moves a trash can to catch the paper, without looking up from her own reading, then sets it back in place. Next, a garbageman picks up the can and empties it into his dump truck. He drives off, revealing a man being held up by a masked robber. Close-up of these two; the robber is pointing a banana at the man, who points this fact out. They have a good laugh, after which the robber pulls a gun on the man.)

(Pan over to an intersection, where a Boy Scout is helping an old woman cross a busy street. When they reach the other side, she collapses to the ground. Two paramedics run up with a stretcher, put her on it, and load her into an ambulance. They zoom off into the countryside; in the distance, we can see the frame of a house being put up. Close-up of this work, where a group of men—apparently Amish—are raising one of the walls. The man on top pounds some nails into place then stops to wipe his forehead and take a cold drink. As he relaxes, the camera turns upward until it is pointing at the sun, then zooms in.)

(Pull back to the sound of seagulls calling to one another. When the camera turns down again, it is pointing along the dock and over the water. After a few moments of quiet, a small patch begins to churn and bubble. Side view of the dock; something very large and loud is emerging. There is a quick shot of the dock from above, and we can see a swath of scaly hide. The camera returns to ground level and pulls back slightly to show what might be two thick legs and a tail covered with spikes. We hear a screeching roar throughout the emanation.)

(Cut to the woman on the bench, still reading. A sudden tremor shakes the book out of her hands and into the trash can. The man who threw the newspaper away comes into view, looking worried. The trash can is picked up by the same garbageman and emptied into the dump truck, but a second tremor causes him to drop it in along with the trash. The robber is still pointing his gun at his intended victim, only to lose hold of it when a third tremor strikes. The man grabs it and points it at the robber, who puts his hands up.)

(Cut to the Boy Scout and the old woman, who is now on the ground again. When a fourth tremor occurs, he shrugs his shoulders in resignation—no paramedics this time. In the countryside, a fifth tremor causes the house frame to collapse as the workmen look on, stunned.)

(Cut to the exterior of Townsville Hall, zooming in, then dissolve to an extreme close-up of a finger running around the rim of a partially filled goblet. We hear a high-pitched humming, and the finger moves to play notes from two other glasses. In an overhead shot, we see several such glasses and two hands moving among them to play music. Finally, in a shot from behind, the performer is revealed to be the Mayor, sitting on a stool in his office so he can reach the table.)

(Close-up of him, still playing. The note from one glass causes him to stop, surprised. He drinks a little bit from it and tries again, then repeats the procedure. Now he has it right, and he raises the glass.)

Mayor: Mmmm! Apple juice!

(He sets it down and prepares to start again, but a tremor shakes all the glasses on the table. Extreme close-up of one glass, in which a drop jumps up and falls back to cause ripples, then of the Mayor's monocle. Cut to the exterior of Townsville Hall, which is crushed when a huge foot stomps on it. We hear people screaming and sirens blaring as its owner roars.)

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