Dream Scheme

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(Opening shot: the city skyline in the afternoon.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville, in all of its glory.

It is the setting of this little story.

(Dissolve to an outer-space view of Earth, with latitude and longitude lines. It goes through half a rotation during the next line.)

Narrator: Let us begin on the back of the globe.

(Dissolve to a Japanese family, their clothes changing from everyday wear to sleep attire.)

Where people are dressed in PJ and robe. (They yawn and stretch.)

They kick off their slippers and climb into beds,

Fluff up their pillows and lay down their heads.

(During these two lines, the father, son, daughter, and mother perform these actions in sequence. Cut to the father and mother in their bed.)

Narrator: Now everyone is ready to sleep for the night.

(Pan to the window, where a glowing silhouette hovers.)

Enter the Sandman to do them up right.

(On the end of this line, cut to a close-up of the figure: a blue-skinned, bearded fellow in nightshirt and cap. He looks rather weary, with dark circles under his eyes. This is the Sandman.)

Narrator: Reaching into his bag with his free hand,

He pulls out a magical brown grain of sand.

(He performs these actions in time with the lines; the "bag" is his lower eyelid. He aims and flicks the sand off his finger.)

Narrator: A piece in the eyes— (Cut to the mother.) —the left and the right,

(Her eyes are hit by the sand, one after the other, and she closes them and begins to snore, fast asleep thanks to the Sandman.)

And out goes the victim, asleep for the night.

(Cut to the Sandman, floating across the countryside. Lights wink out as he passes as the people fall asleep thanks to his help.)

Narrator: And so on to every home in every city,

The Sandman does his job, singing his ditty.

(Close-up of him. His voice sounds a bit like Scatman Crothers.)

Sandman: (to the tune of "I'm a Little Teapot") I'm the little Sandman, that's no doubt,

(throwing pinches of sand) Putting you to sleep is what I'm about.

When your eyes get heavy, don't you pout,

I'll show up and put you out.

(He punctuates these last three words with armpit fart noises, then hums or scats in the same tune and floats o.c. Pan slowly across the landscape, bringing him into view again. He is wiping his hands for a job well done.)

Narrator: The Sandman finishes with no time to spare.

And poof! He disappears back to his lair.

(He winks out of sight at the appropriate moment. On the end of this line, cut to a large chamber with a skylight dome and clocks all over the walls; each of these bears a label. He reappears.)

Narrator: Just as soon as the Sandman gets back,

He scratches his fanny and heads for the sack.

(During this line, he does the indicated actions and starts across the room, the camera following. The end of his bed comes into view.)

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