Slave the Day

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Narrator: The city of Townsville...

(Pull back to show the shot as a billboard on top of a building; it is actually evening. The board bears the words "THE CITY OF TOWNSVILLE," along with a piece of graffiti: "SMELLS.")

Narrator: ...smells?! Say, what's going on here?

(As he continues, turn down to the street. Various derogatory messages have been painted on the buildings, and also on a picture of the Mayor.)

Narrator: The Mayor's dumb?...Say, that's just rude! Who's responsible for this?

[Goof: The billboard reads "The mayor stinks", not "The mayor's dumb".]

(Stop at the entrance to a subway station and dissolve to a slow pan along the tracks; we hear a can of spray paint being shaken and used. Stop on a graffiti message: "POWERPUFF GIRLS ARE STUPID!" A hand reaches into view and makes an addition; pull back to show it as Lil' Arturo's. Ace stands next to him, looking on. The added word is "YEAH.")

Narrator: The Gangreen Gang! I should've known.

Lil' Arturo: (laughing) Nice job, Ace!

Ace: Yeah.

(Pan further along the track to the sound of more spray-painting. Stop briefly on Grubber, putting up the visual equivalent of his raspberries, then continue on to Snake. Instead of tagging the tunnel, he merely stands there hissing. Cut to a bend in the tunnel up ahead of the station; a train rolls into view, headlights blazing. Back to Ace, Snake, Grubber, and Arturo.)

Ace: Hey, you guys, am-scray! The train's comin'!

(Up to the platform. He climbs onto it, followed by Grubber. Snake slithers up after them as the roar of the train grows louder.)

Lil' Arturo: (from o.c.) Hey, what about me? (Ace reaches down and lifts him into view.) Thanks, Ace. (Ace drops him to the platform.)

Ace: Man, that was close! Everyone here?

Snake: Yes-s-s.

Lil' Arturo: Sí.

Grubber: Pbbbppt!

(Pan quickly to the far wall of the tunnel. Big Billy is on the tracks, his back to the camera.)

Ace: (from o.c.) Billy? Billy? (Back to him and the other three.) Billy?

Lil' Arturo: (pointing) There he is!

(On the tracks, Billy is looking at his work—a sloppy message: "GRAFFITI by Big Billy." He begins to laugh at this and continues even as the train's headlights illuminate him. The laughter grows until he doubles over; back to the rest of the Gang, frantically yelling for him to get off the tracks, then to the street entrance to the station. A few scraps of a paper rustle in a sudden strong gust of wind here, then along the tunnel as well. Billy continues to laugh, and the papers rustle down the tunnel. Now he laughs so hard he has to sit down; the papers rustle once again. We see him lying on the tracks and laughing as the train roars into view; the papers go flying a fourth time. Each blowing is accompanied by the sound of the girls charging in. Close-up of his paint can. As the wheels grind over it, the contents splatter on the far wall and leak out onto the tracks.)

(Back to the platform. They set Billy down safely; cut to the rest of the Gang.)

Ace: The Powerpuff Girls! Let's get outta here!

(All but Billy make a break for it, but find the girls blocking their path.)

Girls: Not so fast, Gangreen Gang!

(Back to Billy, sitting at the edge of the platform. As the others scatter behind him, he looks in wonderment at the track; the camera turns down to show the smashed can in front of him.)

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