The City of Frownsville

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(Opening Scene: Townsville background, preparing for the 6th annual Happiness Carnival.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville, the happiest town on earth. (cut to all of the towns people going to the carnival) But today is the happiest day of all, as young and old alike gather from far and wide, to celebrate their civic joy at the 6th annual Happiness Carnival. Jugglers, clowns, fire eaters, it's so totally awesome. Look, ma, a rollercoaster! (shudders, then clears throat) You couldn't find more excitement anywhere else, except perhaps in the home of three of Townsville's most excitable and happy young citizens, the Powerpuff Girls.

(Scene cuts to inside the Powerpuff Girls' house.)

Bubbles: Hooray!

Blossom: We're going to...

Buttercup: The carnival!

(The girls are excited as they zoom to different places in the house. (Y/N) sits on the couch looking bored.)

Professor Utonium: Better hurry up, girls, or we'll be late.

Blossom: (Taking a pie out of the oven) I'm baking a pie.

Buttercup: (Brushing the Talking Dog) We're entering the dog show!

Bubbles: (Wearing a hat with fruit) And I'm entering the 6th annual happiest citizen contest!

(Y/N): Why do I have a bad feeling about this...?

(Cut to Professor Utonium in the white sports car.)

Professor Utonium: Let's go, girls!

Bubbles: Coming, Professor!

Professor Utonium: I'm looking forward to this just as much as you are.

Powerpuff Girls: Yay!

(The Professor drives the girls and (Y/N) to the carnival.)

Powerpuff Girls: (Singing) La, la, la, la, la, la, we're going to the carnival! La, la, la, la, la, la, we're going to the carnival!

Narrator: Ah, the sound of children laughing, how sweet it is. But all is not sweetness and like, Powerpuff Girls. If you listen closely (sounds of crying and wailing sounds can be heard) you can hear the sounds of crying from above a castle on an island, an island surrounded, by a sea of tears.

Lou Gubrious: (Tearfully) Listen to them, the citizens of Townsville, they all sound so, so happy...and I am so...(Sobbing Wildly) miserable!

(Lou Gubrious continues crying and wailing, then blows his nose...and comes up with a plan.)

Lou Gubrious: But I, Lou Gubrious, shall revenge! I've invented a machine called the Miseray. Which'll take every ounce of sadness in my pink little body and turn it into pure negative energy, that'd unleash upon those stupid happy people in Townsville, making them all miserable. (He starts sobbing wildly again) but making me so happy!

(Lou Gubrious cries again, but activates the Miseray.)

(Lou Gubrious lets out his wacky evil laughter.)

(The scene goes over to a police officer giving out ticket forms.)

Narrator: Uh oh, Townsville, watch out, Lou Gubrious has made good on his threat, and unleashed his awful ray.

(The police officer's mouth wobbles up and down, and he begins crying and wailing uncontrollably.)

(Cut to a banker and a bank robber.)

Narrator: It looks bad, folks, not even the law is outside his evil grasp!

Bank Robber: (crying uncontrollably) Buddy!

Powerpuff girls (male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now