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[Theme Song]

[The episode starts at the Powerpuff Girls' house]

Buttercup: [Punches pig alarm clock] Yeah! [Skates on the railing down the stairs] Yeah! [Opens the fridge] Lunch! Yeah! [Looks in brown paper bag] Broccoli! No! [Throws it on the ground which explodes] Yeah! [Punches a monster] Yeah! [Arrives in class at school]

Teacher: You're late.

Buttercup: [Punches clock] Yeah! [Walks out the school and kicks a ball out of the playground] Yeah! Buttercup rocks! Buttercup rocks! [Pauses the video she made of the whole day] So, what do you think? Pretty fierce superhero cut, right?

(Y/N): All I saw was stuff getting punched.

Bubbles: My review: I think it was aggressive, yet inspiring.

Blossom: And I think that was the school's last kickball. [Takes out a milk jug] We're down to playing with an old plastic jug. [While she was talking, Buttercup is addicted to her phone after the video she made waiting for a follower] You've been neglecting your chores, you've promised to make dinner all week, and you haven't done it once. [Throws milk jug at her head] Buttercup!

Buttercup: All right. My video got me another follower.

[An unnamed boy made out of butter follows Buttercup on her video]

[We go on to the next day where Buttercup thinks she is having an off day. She tries to punch the pig alarm clock again multiple times, but fails]

Buttercup: What the...? Come on. [She keeps doing it lightly and it finally stops] There we go. Um... Yeah!

[She tries to skate on the railing going down the stairs and she falls on the ground]

Buttercup: Yeah. [Tries to open the fridge, but it hits her] Lunch! Yeah! [An egg carton falls on her head] [We go back to the school where she and Blossom are walking] Man, something is up with me today.

Blossom: Relax. You're fine.

Buttercup: [Slips on water and falls on the ground] See? It's like I've lost my mojo.

Blossom: What? He's right over there.

[Camera zooms to Mojo Jojo on the slide with impatient children and a child crying]

Mojo Jojo: Mojo will go down at his own pace.

[We go back to Blossom and Buttercup]

Buttercup: You know what I mean. I just feel off.

Bubbles: [Flies to her sisters] Hey, guys. Want to go to Penguin Pete's? I've got scoupons! It's 2-for-1 Scoop Day!

Blossom: Oh. I'm sure that will make you feel better.

Buttercup: Nah. I'm not feeling so hot. I'm just gonna head home.

Blossom: OK. Call us if you change your mind. [Buttercup sighs]

[A milk jug is shown falling out of the sky]

Barry: Incoming.

[It hits Buttercup who falls on the grass caused by it and lands on her head which turns brown]

Barry: Sorry, Buttercup. It's just that we're down to playing kickball with a milk jug.

Buttercup: Ah! [Takes milk jug off her head] which is flattened] My head! [She looks at Barry like he's being weird] What?

Barry: Nothing. [Walks away scared]

[On her way home, Buttercup is sweating butter from her flattened head]

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