Major Compettion

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Opening shot: the city skyline in flames.)

Narrator: (panicked) THE CITY OF TOWNSVILLE IS ON FIRE!!!

(Cut to the girls in flight, en route to the blaze, then pull back as they take a deep breath and prepare to blow it out. Before they can do so, though, a huge gust of air sweeps in from behind them, extinguishing the flames and sending them tumbling o.c.)

Narrator: The fire is out, and Townsville is saved - thanks to...

(Cut to the girls, who are now quite disheveled and confused at this turn of events.)

Narrator: Uh...uh, no. (Pan quickly across the city.) Thanks to...

(Stop on an empty patch of sky.)

Narrator: No...wait! (Another quick pan.) Maybe over here! (Stop on the park, empty.) No... where did... (Another quick pan.) ...wait a second!

(Stop on the more empty sky. A duck flaps into view.)

Narrator: Who did save Townsville...? (Cut to ground level; a crowd looks up.)

Man 1: Wait! Look up in the sky!

Man 2: Is it a man?

Woman 1: A gentleman?

Man 3: A fellow?

George Jetson: (English accent) A lad, perhaps?

Talking Dog: No, it's...

(Cut to an extreme close-up of a muscular, white-clad leg, its foot in a blue boot, and turn up. A red cape trails behind the figure, which also wears blue tights; at its waist is a belt with a large buckle labeled "MM." A huge blue M is emblazoned across the broad chest. The right arm, with a blue glove on the hand, is equally impressive in its musculature. As the crowd watches in awe, the figure's shadow falls across them and descends to the ground. He lands with his back to the camera; cut to his feet and turn up slowly again. Now we see all of this individual: boots, tights, belt, cape, big M across his chest, and his face. He has a prominent chin, a confident smile on his face, and blond hair swept forward in a pompadour. The crowd expresses its awe.)

Man 4: The Mysterious Maestro!

Man 1: Naw, it's the mailman.

Man 3: No, he's not. He's the Midnight Marauder!

Man 4: Nah, it's obviously the Muscle Master.

[Note: The man's appearance is the same as before, but his voice is different.]

(The onlookers begin to argue among themselves as to what "MM" stands for. After a few seconds, the girls land in front of him.)

Blossom: Excuse me, sir, but who exactly are you?

(The blond fellow raises one eyebrow at this query. When he speaks, his voice booms out - a cross between the old Superman cartoons and the Douglas Fairbanks/Errol Flynn sort of action movie hero. He is seen from various angles.)

Blond hero: I am the crusher of crime! The demolisher of disorder! And the eliminator of evil! I am...

(He raises his left hand, the first two fingers extended, and snaps a military salute.)

Blond hero: ...MAJOR MAN!

(He releases the salute and grins, revealing a mouthful of brilliant white teeth. The girls seem rather less than awestruck by the entire display.)

Blossom: Major Man? What kind of name is that?

Woman 2: (leaning into view) Wow! Now that's a superhero!

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