Speed Demon

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(Opening shot: the city skyline in the afternoon.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! The happiest, cleanest, safest little town on earth.

(As he continues, pull back slowly to show the view framed in the window of Pokey Oaks Kindergarten. Buttercup looks out, her back to the camera.)

Narrator: Home of the Powerpuff Girls. And the Professor, the Mayor, Ms. Bellum, Ms. Keane, Talking Dog, Mojo Jojo, and the well-meaning, but often-imperiled, townspeople of Townsville.

(Buttercup turns her head suddenly, looking impatiently up o.c.)

Buttercup: (thinking) Come on, come on!

(Cut to the wall clock, which shows the time as a few minutes before 2:00. A few seconds tick by, and we see a close-up of Buttercup again. The clock face is reflected in her eyes. The clicking of the second hand is greatly magnified.)

Ms. Keane: (from o.c.) Buttercup... Buttercup...

(Pull back to behind the front desk. Ms. Keane has her back to the camera and her hands on her hips, indicating she's getting impatient with Buttercup not paying attention to the lesson and being more focused on the clock while waiting for class to be dismissed for the weekend.)

Ms. Keane: Buttercup!

Buttercup: (quickly facing front) Huh?! (Side view of Ms. Keane.)

Ms. Keane: Please, pay attention! Now, where was I? (turning to blackboard) Oh, yes.

(She writes the equation "1 + 1 = 2" as she continues.)

Ms. Keane: If Billy and Sally each had an apple, then that's two apples. (thinking briefly) Hmmm...but if Billy threw his apple to Sally—

(Cut to behind her. She begins to fill the board with equations and figures, growing increasingly engrossed in her work.)

Ms. Keane: —at a trajectory of 1.8 meters per second, assuming an Einsteinium universe, the distance between two points remaining constant, space and time being two elements of the same ratio, those elements being the interval between two successive events—

(Close-up of her, still working intently.)

Ms. Keane: —the quantum rules that govern the subatomic level of the universe—

(Cut to a slow pan across the class, the girls in the foreground. Everybody looks absolutely mystified by this show of advanced mathematics and scientific calculations that's way beyond them for even their ages, yet Ms. Keane takes no notice as she keeps going.)

Ms. Keane: (from o.c.) —according to Einstein's theory of relativity, times the unweighted consonatic quantity when approaching the speed of light.

(Quick shot of her hand at the board, then pan across it. It is now filled with formulas.)

Ms. Keane: (from o.c.) Therefore as one approaches the speed of light, the distance between the two successive points shrinks to zero. However, for the people back home, a considerable amount of time would pass— (Pull back to show her.) —somewhere in the neighborhood of fifty years. Hm.

(She chuckles briefly, then realizes that this is completely over the heads of her students and turns away from the board to look sheepishly and embarrassingly at the class.)

Ms. Keane: But we'll cover all that later on. (The bell rings.) Okay, kids, have a nice weekend. (We hear the class cheering.) And don't forget anything in the coat cupboard.

(A herd of kids thunders past her. Cut to just outside the door. Buttercup throws it open.)

Buttercup: Free at last!

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