Burglar Alarmed

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(Opening shot: the city skyline at night.)

Narrator: (softly) Shhh. The city of Townsville. (Pan to the suburbs.) Where it's the end of a quiet, peaceful, crime-free day.

(He keeps this speaking volume for all his lines unless otherwise noted. Stop on the girls' house and cut to a slow pan across their darkened bedroom, starting at the windows.)

Narrator: Which means that it's bedtime for our beloved heroes, the Powerpuff Girls.

(During this line, the camera reaches the bed and stops. The girls, in their nightgowns, are lying awake on it. Bubbles cradles Octi, as usual Close-up of the bed; the blanket has been turned down past their feet.)

Narrator: Yes, it's time for Professor Utonium to tuck in our tuckered-out little super-tots. (Pause; he clears his throat and raises his voice.) Time for Professor Utonium to tuck in our tuckered-out little super-tots.

(Another few seconds in which nothing happens, except for the girls looking from side to side and wondering where he is. Finally Buttercup sits up.)

Buttercup: It's time to tuck us in, Professor! (No response; she groans impatiently.) What's keeping him?

(The girls get up but also see (Y/N) in a air mattress his blanket on the floor with (Y/N) asleep seemingly uncomfortable. The three then quietly put the blanket over him.)

(Cut to the Professor, who is slumped over a desk and snoring merrily away. Drool runs down from his open mouth. Pull back; he is in his study. Books and notes are scattered all around him, and a bit of his drool falls to the floor into a puddle that has already collected next to the trash can. The girls peek in from the doorway.)

Blossom: Oh, no! Preparing for his big dissertation tomorrow has worn him out!

(She flies into the room and lifts his head from the desk; there is a puddle of drool underneath it as well.)

Blossom: Why don't we tuck him in for a change? (Bubbles joins her.)

* Bubbles: That's a good idea!

(Cut to his bedroom, the door open. The girls float in, Blossom supporting his shoulders, Bubbles and Buttercup one foot each. They have put him into his pajamas and are steering him toward his bed.)

Bubbles: Shhh! We have to make sure that he really gets a good night's rest. (They set him down and pull a blanket over him, murmuring and cooing over him as a mother might when tucking her baby in for the night)(Buttercup: Aaww...) (Blossom: What a little sweetie!) look how cute, (Buttercup: Coochie coochie coo!) sweetie wittle poochie peachy poodum! (Blossom: ...aaaww!) (Both Bubbles and Buttercup leave, but Blossom stays behind.)

Blossom: (Petting the professor sweetly) Night-night, Professor. (flying out, the lights go off) Don't let the bedbugs bite.

(Now the only illumination in the room is from the moonlight that comes in through the windows above the Professor. Zoom in on the center-most one.)

Narrator: So now, with the tuckered-out Professor tucked in tight by our little super-tots, it's the end of a quiet, peaceful, crime-free day.

(Snap to black.)

(Snap to just inside the front door, which opens slowly with creaking hinges. All the interior lights are out. A black-hooded head pokes in—rather weaselly-looking, with a serious case of five o'clock shadow and a scraggly little beard. He is clearly up to no good. After a quick look around, cut to the exterior of the house as the door slowly closes behind him.)

(Close-up of Bubbles, who is now fast asleep in bed. After a moment, her eyelids wobble open and she sits up. She rubs her eyes groggily, hops to the floor, and walks o.c. with Octi in tow.)

Powerpuff girls (male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now