Nano Of The North

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(Opening shot: the city skyline under a clear blue sky.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville, and it's another pleasant day. (A busy intersection.) The town is buzzing with activity. Traffic flows... (Turn up to the buildings.) ...and the buildings are filled with busy people.

(As he continues, cut to a couple of window washers doing their thing, then another intersection.)

Narrator: Busy people everywhere. (Under a sewer grating, a worker wrenches on pipes.) In every nook and cranny... (A train station, with a train pulling up and the passengers getting off.) ...busy people going about their busy day. (Other passengers get on.) Their busy, busy lives.

(The train pulls out. Cut to inside one car, which is jammed full of riders.)

Narrator: Lives packed with wonder and excitement. (A movie theater.) The excitement that each new day brings. (A diner.) And today is no different.

(Close-up of a man at a booth inside. He has his head buried in a newspaper and one hand grasping something that is just out of view.)

Narrator: Why, take Mr. Businessman here. Will today be the day that he makes that deal of a lifetime? Could be.

(Pull back to frame the whole booth. The object the man is holding is a coffee mug, which a waitress is filling. She is reading a show-business publication and not minding her work. The coffee overflows onto the table. A hand is fishing around in the man's pants pocket.)

Narrator: Or how about Ms. Starlet? Will she find her lucky break on this glorious afternoon? We can only hope.

(Pan right to the man's side of the table and turn down slightly. The hand belongs to a raggedly-dressed fellow. The jingle of coins comes from inside the pocket, possibly a pickpocket trying to sneak some spare change while the businessman and waitress pay no notice.)

Narrator: Will Mr. Down-on-His-Luck finally strike it rich? Who knows?

(Cut to the sun and pull back to put it above the skyline.)

Narrator: All I know is that each day brings new promise. The promise of a brighter tomorrow. And that, my friend, is what the citizens of Townsville desperately need. Day in, day out...

(Pan across the city and pass Mojo Jojo's observatory, to the sound of a monster screeching, as he continues.)

Narrator: ...these poor folks deal with ever-present archvillains...

(By this point, the camera has stopped on the water tower, which has a larger version of the King Kong/largemouth bass creature from "Cover-Up" climbing it.)

Narrator: ...giant monster attacks... (The tower topples backward, dropping the creature o.c.. We hear it crash down.) ...and the constant, relentless destruction of their beloved, beleaguered home.

(Upon impact, cut to the monster and tower lying amid the remains of a house. Next, we see a man at a street corner, wearing a sandwich board that bears the words "DARK DAYS AHEAD" - your basic end-of-the-world nut/doomsayer.)

Narrator: It's enough to make a man lose faith in that brighter tomorrow. (Another busy street. A bus showing a smiley-face ad pulls away from the curb.) But not me. I'm not that faith-losin' man. I believe that brighter tomorrow is today. Right here, right now. I can feel it! Today is gonna be special!

(During this line, turn up to the sky and follow a hot-air balloon as it rises from the city. It passes a jet on its way up and finally rises o.c., and a rainbow dissolves into view. On the next line, pull back to show it stretching over the skyline.)

Narrator: Ain't no dark clouds gonna darken my doorstep. Noooo, not today!

(The rainbow fades away as a clap of thunder is heard. A large, dark cloud rises from the horizon. Now the Narrator starts to sound increasingly frantic, worried, and terrified with each successive line, having lost all happiness and joy that was in his voice earlier upon realizing he may have tempted fate one time too many.)

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