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(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! (The daytime background fades to a nighttime background.) At night!

(Cut to a dumpster and uninhabited building with one street light shining on the mess.)

Narrator: (hopeless tone) Even this lovely, peaceful city turns cold and spooky at night.

(Dissolve a street in the center of two rows of buildings and lit lampposts shining lights onto the street.)

Narrator: Lonely, haunting.

(Dissolve to a lit alley way in between to large buildings in the shadows.)

Narrator: With only shadow and silence for company.

(Dissolve to a street underneath a bridge with two lit lampposts and flickering caution signals.)

Narrator: A perfect place for the criminal element to fester and grow unchecked.

(Cut to a low angle of a group of high rise buildings.)

Narrator: Spreading terror and despair to all.

(Pan quickly to right after a long pause.)

Narrator: (cheerful and hopeful tone) But not with the Powerpuff Girls on patrol! (The girls fly through the skyline and fly o.c.) Oh yeah!

(Cut to the three girls flying through the city.)

Buttercup: (disappointed) Oh, brother! Yet another uneventful night.

Blossom: You should be thankful.

Bubbles: Yeah! Would you rather have a giant monster smashing the city?

Buttercup: At least we'd get some excitement. Night after night with nothing. I'm bored out of my mind!

Bubbles: (gloating while Blossom nods) Be careful what you wish for!

Buttercup: Oh, I'm wishing.

Blossom: (noticing and pointing to something below) Hey, look!

(Cut to an aerial view of the girls in the foreground looking below at five silhouettes underneath a lit street light. Cut to a closer high angle and the silhouettes are revealed to be the Gangreen Gang.)

Bubbles: (from o.c) The Gangreen Gang? (Cut to the girls and Bubbles pointing to Buttercup.) You wished for them?

Buttercup: (defensive) No!

Bubbles: I thought you were over them.

(A brief pause while Buttercup looks annoyed at Bubbles).

Buttercup: (bitter) Why you gotta bring up old stuff?

(Cut to a close-up of Blossom appearing to be thinking about deciding what to do about the Gangreen Gang.)

(Cut to an aerial view of the girls in the foreground and the silhouettes of the gang.)

Buttercup: (facing her sisters) Who cares? Let's trash 'em! (Begins to fly down to them.)

(Cut to a close-up of Blossom.)

Blossom: (Stopping her sisters) Uh, hold up, girls. (Cut to all of the girls with Buttercup slowly floating backwards back to where her sisters were.) They're not even a criminal element, just a nuisance.

Buttercup: Yeah, they're probably just down there making fart noises or something.

(Cut to a closer high angle of the gang.)

Powerpuff girls (male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now