Down 'n' Dirty

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(Opening shot: the city skyline in the afternoon. The buildings are spotlessly white.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville!

(Pan right a short distance and dissolve to ground level. Pan along a street; people are sweeping and cleaning.)

Narrator: A tidy town where the Townsville townies take pride in keeping their tiny town tidy.

(Turn up to show more people washing and scrubbing in the windows of one building, and pan slightly to the right. We hear a punch land, and Buttercup sails into view. She crashes through a building, slams into an oil tank on a roof, and is doused with the contents, which leave her tinged with gray. Wiping her eyes, she dashes back into the fray. Cut to Blossom and Bubbles, floating in midair and eyeing their o.c. adversary; The foe swipes at them with its hand, turning them a brownish-gray from the residue that came off his hand. Camera pans right to show the foe—a creature made of brownish-gray vapor. It has two holes in one of its hands, t he result from swiping at them, but these quickly heal. The monster laughs evilly as Buttercup flies in. The light trail behind her is gray and sludgy. She punches into the midsection and emerges from the back, but the hole quickly seals itself. Next Buttercup spins at superspeed, creating a tornado, and moves over to the monster. It is sucked in, and the tornado takes off into outer space. When Buttercup stops flying, the vapor cloud disperses. She flies back to her sisters only to find every building in the city covered with slop. Blossom nods, satisfied, but her expression quickly changes when she sees the squalor.)

Blossom: What a mess! (sheepishly) Well, guess our work's done here! Come on! (She takes off.)

(Close-up of Bubbles in flight.)

Bubbles: Oh, I feel so dirty. (Pull back to bring the others into view.)

Buttercup: I know. Isn't it great?

(Cut to the exterior of their house as they fly in. Close-up of a full bathtub, the Professor reaching into view to check the water temperature.)

Professor: (from o.c.) Welcome home, girls.

(Pull back; they are at the bathroom door, and he is by the tub.)

Professor: I ran a nice, hot bath for you. (Close-up of them.)

Blossom/Bubbles: (happily) A bath!

Buttercup: (sullenly) A bath.

(Blossom and Bubbles are in the tub in an instant; they jump and splash around, laughing, as the Professor leans into view. His hair is soaked, and he too is happy. Buttercup is still at the door.)

Blossom: (giggling) Come on in, Buttercup!

Bubbles: (giggling) The water's fine!

(Close-up of Buttercup, still not enthusiastic.)

Buttercup: Don't you know that only big, fat sissies take baths?

(She floats away. Close-up of Bubbles; only her head is visible above the water.)

Bubbles: I'm not fat.

(Dissolve to the skyline of Townsville. A large, greenish-brown elephant beast with several eyes rears up, trumpeting loudly. It begins to shoot globs of snot from its trunk, splattering several buildings. Cut to a close-up of Blossom and Bubbles.)

Blossom: Ugh! This is gonna get nasty! (Buttercup flies up between them.)

Buttercup: (eagerly) It sure is! (She charges.)

(The elephant grabs hold of the top of a building and blows into it. Snot floods from all the windows and into the street. As Buttercup approaches, it fires a glob at her, knocking her down. The other girls are hit by the splatter.)

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