Keen on Keane

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(Opening shot: the city skyline, looking as if it were cut out of construction paper.)

Ms. Keane: (from o.c.) The city of Townsville...

(Pull back; the view is part of a heart-shaped valentine she is holding. Around the outer perimeter, which is decorated with small hearts, this message is printed: "To the best teacher in Townsville! Love, Blossom." We can see the edge of her desk and hear kids talking now.)

Ms. Keane: (from o.c.) ...has never seen such a lovely valentine. (pulling' it away; Blossom stands before desk) Thank you, Blossom.

(She steps aside, and Bubbles takes her place. She is carrying a small valentine.)

Bubbles: Ms. Keane, Ms. Keane! Look at mine, look at mine!

(Head-on view of the desk at the end of this, the blackboard shows "Feb. 14—Happy Valentine's Day" amid many hearts. Back to the original camera placement. Bubbles' offering is a small card with a heart pierced by Cupid's arrow.)

Ms. Keane: (from o.c., taking it) Yes, Bubbles, I see. (Head-on view of the desk.) I just love it!

(Now Buttercup runs up with a valentine that has globs of paste or glue dripping from it.)

Buttercup: Here's mine, Ms. Keane. (She gives it over.)

Ms. Keane: Thank you, Buttercup. (a' bit uneasily, as the muck sticks to her hands) Uh...excellent use of, uh, glue.

(Buttercup beams at the praise, faint though it may be, and runs across the room to join the other kids. She joins Mitch Mitchellson and a girl to play with toy cars, while Bubbles paints and Blossom works on more valentines with three other girls at a nearby desk. The girls look at (Y/N) with a blush and look away before he notices as he's playing UNO with some kids laughing with 3 draw 4s and 5 draw 2s in hand. These speak next.)

Girl 1: Isn't Valentine's Day romantic?

Clara: Yeah. My parents are going out for a special dinner.

Girl 3: My sister has a big date tonight.

(Back to Mitch and company on the end of this line.' He makes retching noises, clutching his throat and poking an index finger toward his mouth to portray his disgust with all this sap. The display amuses Buttercup and the other girl, but Ms. Keane puts a stop to it when she steps up.)

Ms. Keane: Mitch! Stop that! Or your face will freeze that way.

Mitch: Awesome! (He and his playmates make goofy faces; Ms. Keane reaches the desk.)

Blossom: Where are you going out tonight, Ms. Keane?

Bubbles: Yeah, who's your sweetheart? (Paint drips from her brush onto the carpet.)

Ms. Keane: Sweetheart? Oh, no, girls. I don't have time for that. (walking' to front) I have much too much work to do for that sort of thing.

(The girls trade a slightly worried look at this remark. Fade to black.)

(Snap to a close-up of a surprised-looking young woman with long black hair and light blue eyes, the exact color of Ms. Keane's. She wears a red dress and large diamond earrings, and is standing in a darkly paneled room. The quality of the image gives it away as part of a TV show.)

Young woman: Why, Derek.

(Pull back; the room is decorated with a chandelier and lit candles everywhere. A muscular young man is before her on one knee and holding one of her hands—this is Derek.)

Young woman: What is all this?

Derek: Oh, Gabrielle. Long has my heart ached for you. (standing' up, embracing her) Your raven hair, your sapphire eyes, your ruby lips. Though I could not summon the courage before, Cupid's bow has given me strength on this, the eve of love. Gabrielle, will you marry me?

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