Fashion Forward

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(The episode starts with Bianca and Barbarus on TV with Bianca and her stylish gorilla sister)

TV Announcer: Silk, style, and everything vile. These were the ingredients that once made the terrible twosome, the Fashionistas! (Barbarus happily growls and waves her hand and pictures of their past deeds as criminals are shown) Bianca and Barbarus were once the most well dressed supervillains in Townsville, obsessed with achieving fame by any means necessary. (The both of them smile and points their pinkies up) Recently released from jail, they're determined to make good on their lives and they've got an invention to prove it. But have they truly redeemed themselves? Find out on tonight's episode of The Turn Around Tank! (Blossom, in the middle of the couch, is smiling, Bubbles is eating popcorn from a bowl, and Buttercup is laying down on her side with an annoyed face but is blushing as (Y/N) is stroking her hair.)

Bubbles: (While eating popcorn) Fashionistas? Good guys? I don't buy it.

Buttercup: Yeah. Once a bad dude, always a bad dude.

Blossom: Buttercup, they haven't committed any crimes since getting out of jail. You can't just put people behind bars because you don't like them.

Buttercup: I could've in Buttercupsylvania. (Blossom looks at her annoyed)

Chad: (On TV sitting on a chair with two other people) Okay, Fashionistas, what have you got for us?

Bianca: (Sitting in Barbarus's hand) I'm so glad you asked. We're out of the slammer and here to bring to glamour! (Taps her selfie scepter) Introducing the smoojhi. (A TV screen that says "SMOOJHI" appears as a man and a woman appear on a rising platform flipping their smoojhis, which is on their necks)

Man With Glasses: Hmm, it looks like a scarf.

Bianca: (With an readable unimpressive look on her face) Oh, yes. (Drops the unimpressive face) But, can a smoojhi look more like this? (Snaps her fingers and 4 women come out with their smoojhis on their waist, head, a little bit in the middle of a belly and over the shoes, on a head, and looks like a hoodie and they all pose)

Chad, Man With Glasses, and Pink Haired Lady: Ooh!

Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup: (Sighs in awe)

((Y/N) doesn't look interested. As he thinks the smoojhis are stupid and have a dumb name.)

Buttercup: Whoa, look at that one! It looks like a ninja mask. (A girl wearing said smoojhi ninja mask is shown)

Bianca: Every smoojhi is a 100% Fashionista made. (Taps her selfie scepter and a business plan poster is shown) And all here in our 30 page business plan, complete with graphs, charts, and (Takes a picture of her and Barbarus) selfies are best!

Blossom: Whoa! Look at that use of venn diagrams!

Bubbles: Yeah, but what's their projected sales net worth?

Bianca: And for every smoojhi you buy, (Picks up a puppy wearing a smoojhi on it's ears) one goes to a puppy on Puppy Island.

Bubbles: (Spits the popcorn on Blossom, with a disgusted look on her face) Puppy Island?! They have to invest! (Screams in excitement dropping the bowl)

Bianca: (A TV screen with their store shows up) Ohhhh, did I mention there was our name in our store, as in right now? (Close-up of her holding her selfie scepter) And if you don't have one, people will make fun of you. (Close-up of her face) Go buy now! Go now!

(Buttercup flies away, comes back, and puts the Professor on the floor)

Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup: PROFESSOR! Can we get it, can we get it?!

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