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Note: Throughout this episode, many bits of dialogue are obscured by assorted sound effects. These spots are indicated in bold, with two asterisks before and after.

(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! Where there's always something cooking.

(Quick pan to the kitchen of the girls' house. Dirty pots and pans are stacked everywhere, and we can hear other dishes being shuffled o.c. A small TV sits in the foreground, next to the sink with its screen turned away from the camera, and a female voice is heard—the host of a cooking show, sounding a bit like Julia Child.)

Host: All right, it's almost time to put that turkey in the oven.

(The Professor hustles across the screen—he is the source of the clatter and mess, and he has put on an apron and rolled up his sleeves. A large turkey rests on a platter in his hands. The next several lines overlap.)

Professor: Turkey in the oven.

Host: Next we'll tackle the vegetable stuffing. Now take your veggies and—

Professor: (hustling across) Right, veggies...Hold on! (More rattling of utensils.)

Host: —julienne them like so. Not very difficult. Now mix them in with the tomato coulis we prepared earlier.

(On the end of this, he crosses the kitchen again, this time with an armload of vegetables in tow. The distinct sound of creaking metal from the oven's general direction combines with his next words to obscure the start of the host's next sentence.)
Professor: (now o.c.) We prepared that earlier? (He backs into view.)

Host: —and stuff it into the turkey.

Professor: (puzzled) The turkey? But it's in the oven already.

Host: See how easy it goes in? Everything should be running just smooth as silk.

(Of course, it is not. There is an o.c. explosion—the oven just gave up the ghost—that obscures her next few words.)

Professor: Oh, dear!

Host: Make sure you don't set that temperature too high, or you'll be putting out a three-alarm fire. All right, now sit yourself down and enjoy a nice cold beverage—

(During the previous line, the Professor runs o.c. away from the oven, then back toward it with a fire extinguisher. White clouds of carbon dioxide vapor drift back into view as he uses the thing. Cut to outside the kitchen door; smoke billows into the hallway as his panicked shriek rings out. Pan/tilt up to the door of the girls' bedroom, then cut to inside. Buttercup floats up into view, with a building block in hand aimed for the top of a tower.)

Buttercup: Hey, somebody go down and see if dinner's ready. I'm hungry. (She places the block; cut to Blossom, on the bed reading.)

Blossom: I'm busy. You go.

Buttercup: No, you go!

Blossom: No, you!

Buttercup: You!

Blossom: You!

Buttercup: You!

Blossom: You!

Buttercup: Fine. (adding another block) Bubbles, you go.

(The third sister is lying on the floor and working intently on a coloring book.)

Bubbles: I can't. I'm in the zone!

Buttercup: Okay, then. (tossing another block away) Let's rock-scissor-paper for it.

(Close-up of a point between the girls. Each reaches one hand into view and shakes it during the count of the next line, as you might do when playing this game.)

Powerpuff girls (male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now