Not So awesome Blossom

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(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day.)

Narrator: The city of once again under siege by...

(Cut to a street filled with people running scared; a laser blast strikes one of the buildings.)

Narrator: ...Mojo Jojo!

(We see several unicycle-mounted robots sporting the basic elements of Mojo's outfit and firing lasers from the pincers on the end of their arms.)

Narrator: This time with the help of his robot army! (The girls gather in midair.)

Buttercup: We can't get close enough to them!

Bubbles: And there's too many of them!

Buttercup: (to Blossom) Come on, genius, what do we do now?

(Cut to Blossom. She thinks for a moment, seeing two robots approaching an intersection from different directions. Back to her; her eyes show that she has hit on something.)

Buttercup: (from o.c.) Come on, Blossom! We're wasting time!

Blossom: Wait here!

(She zips down and stops in front of one of the robots.)

Blossom: Okay! It's just you and me! Let's see what you've got!

(She blows a raspberry at the robot. It raises its arms and fires a laser blast, which she dodges by swinging around to the rear. The screen fills with smoke when the beam hits; this clears to reveal that the Museum of Fine Arts has taken heavy damage as a result. A shocked gasp rises from o.c. onlookers at ground level. Blossom does likewise.)

Blossom: Oh, my gosh!

(She sidesteps another shot, which connects with the opera house and trashes its dome. Another collective gasp.)

Blossom: What's happening?

(Another laser blast, another dodge; this time, the 96-cent Store gets wiped out. The o.c. crowd voices its displeasure most loudly now.)

Buttercup: (groaning disgustedly) What's wrong with Blossom?

Bubbles: Maybe we should do something, but -

Buttercup: No "maybe"s about it! (She zips down.)

Bubbles: But...

(Yelling, Buttercup reaches ground level and stops at an intersection to face one robot. A second one rolls into view behind her; she bails out as the first fires its laser, which misses her and blows up the second. Now she does a quick pass near another robot, which shoots at her and gets an attacker instead. Next, she stops in the middle of the street, with two robots approaching from opposite directions. She holds her ground until the instant they both fire on her position; the screen fills with a pair of explosions, then clears to show her sisters amid a pile of wreckage. Blossom is absolutely crushed at the devastation that occurred during her charge, but Bubbles is looking off into the sky. The crowd is talking excitedly, and the crowd starts chanting Buttercup's name.)

Bubbles: Look! There's Buttercup! (Said sister lands by them; she has escaped untouched.)

Buttercup: What's going on?

Bubbles: You did it! You stopped 'em!

Buttercup: I did? (dancing) I did it! I did it!

(She continues in this vein as the camera pans away from her and Bubbles to stop on Blossom, who turns away from the celebration to stare morosely into the sparking debris. Her hair bow seems to sag dejectedly under its own weight. A lens on a long metal stalk protrudes from the mess and points at her; this focuses itself as the crackling stops.)

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