Save Mojo

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(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day. Follow a group of birds as they fly down from the rooftops; during the opening line, they stop on the sidewalk near a park bench, and a man sitting there feeds them bread crumbs.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! A friendly metropolis where man and nature live in harmony.

(Pan along the sidewalk. A small boy flies a kite, while a woman and her dog eye a puddle.)

Narrator: The citizens of Townsville value their animal companions. (The dog throws itself down to bridge the water; she steps across on its back.) And everyone has a "you scratch my back, I'll pet yours" attitude.

(After she has reached the other side, it sits up and she pats its head. Close-up of the wheels of a shopping cart as it rolls along a store aisle.)

Narrator: But wait. There's one animal that doesn't play well with others.

(Pull back. Steering the cart is Mojo Jojo, with his head hunched down into a tan trenchcoat whose collar is pulled up to hide all but his eyes. Instead of his usual braincap, he wears a yellow one with a big smiley face on its front; a small hat is perched atop it.)

Narrator: The mutated monkey Mojo Jojo. (aside) In one of his more pathetic disguises, I might add.

'Mojo': (laughing, raising head) This ordinary hardware supply store has the perfect selection from which to select supplies to begin the construction of my ultimate Townsville destruction device— (Extreme close-up..)—the only purpose of which is to DESTROY TOWNSVILLE!

(Pull back somewhat on the end of this, then farther to show a scrawny teenage employee standing behind him. This fellow looks and sounds quite bored. We then see the (L/N)'s leave the hardware store with various things.)

Employee: May I help you, sir?

'Mojo': No, I'm good. (The boy walks away; the girls barge in, one by one, on the next lines.)

Blossom: Not so fast—

Buttercup: —Mojo—

Bubbles: —Jojo!

'Mojo': (pulling up coat collar) I'm sorry, I think you must have me mistaken for someone else.

(The last word is barely out of his mouth when the girls start laying into him and tearing away his disguise; he collapses groaning to the floor, with his usual clothing revealed and his cape settling over him.)

'Mojo': (weakly) Mercy... (The girls move in.)

Blossom: Let's finish him off, girls!

(Before they can do so, though, five hippies leap into the aisle and place themselves in the way. One of the two women carries a bullhorn.)

Hippies: Not so fast, Powerpuff Girls!

Girls: Huh?

(They stop just short of the group. The force of the bullhorn carrier's amplified words pushes the girls back and o.c. This woman is the hippies' leader.)

Leader: You are in violation of Townsville Ordinance One-Zero-Two-Two-dash-Seven-Six—cruelty to animals!

(She and her cohorts comfort the fallen primate as Blossom addresses them.)

Blossom: Citizens! This is no defenseless animal. This is a criminal mastermind bent on the destruction of mankind. (Zoom in slowly on her.) He's evil and cruel and doesn't deserve your sympathy. So if you don't mind, release the monkey.

(Back to the hippies.' Mojo has regained consciousness and is taking all this in, and their leader has lowered the bullhorn.)

Leader: "Evil and cruel"? He is merely acting upon his natural instincts.

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