A Made Up Story

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(Opening shot: the city skyline at night.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! (Zoom in on one section.) Where something horrible...

(Dissolve to a slow overhead pan across the rooftops of one block.)

Narrator: ...something evil...

(Dissolve to the side of a building, where a poster showing a man's face has been put up.)

Narrator: ...something nefarious...

(A huge, spiky-haied shadow throws itself across the view. Close-up of the poster, which reads "Joe Bob for Congress"; something multicolored flashes across the screen, and when it clears, the image has been touched up considerably. Joe Bob now sports a face full of makeup.)

Narrator: (trying to keep from laughing) ...something hilarious is taking place!

(Zoom in on the altered poster, to the sound of cackling female laughter that echoes through the night, then pull back to frame a portion of the skyline. The many-hued streak zips up and down among the buildings as the camera slowly pans to keep it in frame.)

Narrator: Yes, some horrible, evil, nefarious, hilarious prankster...

(Cut to a rooftop billboard that shows a happy young couple—this is a travel ad for, of all places, "Siberia—Land of Dreams." On the next line, the streak flashes past, leaving the images changed similarly to the poster.)

Narrator: ...is defacing all the billboards... (A poster of a cowboy and his horse is hit.) ...posters... (A statue gets made over.) ...and statues in Townsville.

(Zoom in on the head, then cut to a bus stop bench on which four men are seated; it is now the next day. The eyes of three of them dart about and finally settle on the fourth, who is reading a newspaper; zoom in on him during the following.)

Narrator: Who could be behind this senseless lashing out?

(Zoom in closer, slowly, to a close-up of this man. He finally raises his eyes and looks back and forth—and then the paper is lowered to show a very tiny fellow sitting in his lap. The latter was holding on to it; he rolls it up, tucks it under his arm, and walks away. From here, cut to a shot of a somewhat surprised-looking Mojo Jojo.)

Narrator: Could it be...Mojo Jojo? (A crowd is seen.)

Crowd: No! (A plumber works under a sink.)

Narrator: Could it be...your plumber?

(He pulls himself out and stares confusedly at us. Big, fat, scraggly beard, not too bright.)

Crowd: No!

(Next up: the car thief from "Girls Gone Mild," who swiped that black SUV.)

Narrator: Could it be...Charlie Bean? (He shrugs.)

Crowd: No! (A quick, long pan begins.)

Narrator: Or could it be...

(Stop on a shadowy area of the city, with a sprawling tower standing high over the other buildings; a large M is on the roof. A violent thunderstorm has begun. Lightning strikes, illuminating the area for a moment and showing the tower to be in ruins, and the view dissolves to a long shot of a silhouette standing at a top-floor window. This figure is very thin, with long arms and legs, claw-like fingers, and spiky hair.)

Narrator: (shocked) No! It can't be!

(Dissolve to inside the building, a close-up of the legs; the feet are clad in high heels. Tilt up slowly toward the head and stop. After a long pause, lightning reveals the face in full detail: wide, staring eyes set above a tiny nose; thick lips drawn back from a snarling mouth; chin tapering down to a very fine point. The entire face is heavily made up, and it and the streaked white hair are left half in shadow by the lightning's glare.)

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