The Long Skate Home

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(Theme Song)

(The episode starts with an unknown person holding a camera in a sewer hole as Buttercup and Maylyn skate in front of the camera which is on record)

Maylyn: Keep up, bonehead. I don't want to be late for the Death Ball State of Smash Address.

(The unknown person with the camera floats over, as Buttercup and Maylyn skate inside the center of the sewer which is filled with other Death Ball teams in there cheering)

(The unknown person with the camera is actually Blossom)

Blossom: Whoa! I've never seen so many people in a sewer before.

Maylyn: We always meet in the sewer. It's Death Ball tradition.

Buttercup: (Jumps onto Blossom's head, who is annoyed) Dude, every Death Ball team in town's here! (Points them out) There are the Bob KIttens, a-and the Bumblebees. Oh, oh, and the Lazy Susans.

Lazy Susans Player: (Yawns) We'll get to it later. (Another Lazy Susans Player blows out and pops bubblegum)

Blossom: Buttercup! (Gets Buttercup off her head and holds out the camera) I'll have to interview them all for my student documentary. (While holding the camera, she accidentally floats into Tess, a player of the Grease Monkeys Death Ball team.) Oops. I'm sorry.

Tess: Oh, you will be, Plunkytantes. (Grins as her two other teammates appear behind her and another teammate puts a Death Ball in her hand when a small teammate comes and they all laugh as Maylyn skates over to them)

Maylyn: Forgot to check your ball in, Tess?

Tess: (Laughs) Tell your girl to watch it. Come on, Grease Monkeys. Let's roll. (Turns around and skates away with her teammates)

Maylyn: (To Blossom) Way to go. You almost got your butt handed to you by the Grease Monkeys.

Blossom: Um, I think I can handle a few dodgeballs.

Maylyn: Death Balls! And if you get hit with one of those here, you're out. FOREVER!

Blossom: So you can't play Death Ball ever again? That's a stupid rule.

Maylyn: There are no stupid rules. IT'S DEATH BALL! (The lights go out)

Blossom: I'm gonna get a better shot. (Sits on a big sewer hole's surface with the camera in her one open eye as her left eye is closed)

Announcer: (As Death Ball teams cheer) Thrashers, thrashers and head smashers, welcome your Death Ball big boss, Smashleen Stevens! (Smoke comes out of the platform as she appears)

Smashleen: Death Ballers, can you (singsong) smash it! (The crowd cheers)

Blossom: Who knew Death Ball had so much production value?

Buttercup: I heard Smashleen was gonna make some changes to the Death Ball rulebook.

Maylyn: No way. Death Ball is perfect. She'd never change anything.

Smashleen: We all know Death Ball is an (singsong) amazing game. But I think it's time. Time for a change.

Blossom: Wait a second. (She turns her camera to see Tess with a Death Ball in her hand as she laughs and gets into a throwing stance) Whoa, whoa, wait! (Tess throws the Death Ball towards Smashleen)

Smashleen: And that big change will be... (The Death Ball that Tess threw hits her hard in the face causing a giant red mark on her, who is on the floor in the center she came out of as all the Death Ball teams gasp except the Lazy Susans as Tess skates back as she runs into Blossom)

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