Mime for a Change

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(Opening shot: the city skyline, with a rainbow stretching across the multicolored buildings instead of the usual opaque blue tint.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! (Camera turns down toward the park.) A vibrant and colorful community. Listen! Don't you hear the joy?

(A clown pops into view, singing loudly and without particular regard for pitch or meter. Pull back to show him in front of a group of kids at a birthday party in the park. He is dressed in a gaily colored striped shirt, polka-dotted pants, oversized red shoes, and a small green derby.)

Clown: Fa-la-la-la-la-la! Happy, happy, happy, happy birthday, Jim!

(The kids cheer, and the clown starts singing again.)

Clown: I'm Rainbow the Colorful Clown! (He stands on his head.) You can keep on looking, you'll never see a frown! ( He goes over to Jim.) It's your birthday, and I'll dub you King with a crown! (He crowns him.) It's your birthday, it's your birthday, it's your birthday...uh...Jim! Look at all my colors, don't they make you smile? Listen to my singing, it could last for quite a while!

(He slides over to a man and a woman whose clothes sport his own gaudy colors.)

Clown: All my stripes and spots are the brand new style! It's your birthday, it's your birthday, it's your birthday, Carl! (Jim is nonplussed by the slip.) Uh...Jim!

(The kids begin to cheer again. Cut to Rainbow, kneeling in front of Jim and looking downcast.)

[Animation goof: Jim's crown is missing as of this scene.]

Clown (Rainbow): (sadly) Today we've had our fun, And my time is almost done, (brightening) So goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye!

(He dances backward happily and waves, his shoes squeaking, until he gets to the middle of the street. Over Jim's shoulders, we see him get ready for the big finish. Zoom in.)

Rainbow: Good...

(He is interrupted by the horn of a tractor-trailer bearing down on him, causing him to turn and look in concern at his impending demise. The driver slams on the brakes and the truck flips hard onto its side and skids along in a screech of metal against the asphalt. The top of the trailer bears a single word in huge black letters: "BLEACH." Spinning as it skids, the rig just spins around Rainbow and comes to a stop next to him. It looks as though Rainbow has escaped becoming street pizza.)

Rainbow: Whoo! (singing) Now that was clo-o-o-se!

(Unfortunately for Rainbow, he tempted fate, and the trailer suddenly bursts open. Rainbow disappears from sight beneath a wave of liquid bleach. He is left standing, but the colors begin to drain out of his costume and makeup, leaving him black and white, with his hair from its original curly state hanging down and limp. His smile turns into an angry grimace. He becomes silent. Cut to the trucker, who has climbed out of his rig and is waving to get Rainbow's attention.)

Trucker: Hey, buddy! Hey, buddy! Are you okay, buddy?

(Rainbow turns his head and catches sight of the trucker; the colors of his clothes cause the clown to recoil in pain, trying to shield his face with his arms to conceal what he just laid eyes on. Extreme close-up of his hand being placed on the trucker's chest and the color draining out of the shirt. Pull back.)

Trucker: (sighing with relief) That was quite a -

(His words give way to choking sounds as the rest of his body turns gray, and he finally hangs his head, closing his eyes, and makes no sound at all, as if he was placed in a downcast, unresponsive state.)

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