The Headsucker's Moxy

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(Opening shot: the city skyline at night.) Narrator: The city of Townsville! (Pull back and pan slowly along one block.) A secure place. A safe place. A place where the most valuable of all possessions is locked up safe and sound.

(As he says this, we see people turning off their lights and closing their doors and windows. Zoom in on the Bank of the Imperial Garden. A tall, thin, bald man with glasses—the bank manager—is standing at the door; he produces a key from his pocket and reaches toward the lock with it. He is locking up the bank for the night before heading home himself. A shadow appears behind him, and he turns to look over his shoulder.)

Manager: Oh...hello.

(Cut to the source of the shadow: a short man with a very large head and nose and no visible mouth.)

Manager: (from o.c.) I'm sorry, sir— (Cut to behind the short man.) —but the bank is closed.

(Side view of the two; the manager is seen only from the waist down.)

Manager: Please come back tomorrow.

(The man hangs his head sadly as the manager leaves.)

Manager: Have a safe night!

(He walks away, rounding the corner. After a block or so, footsteps are heard o.c.—he is being followed. His eyes turn back in surprise, and he begins to walk faster. A short shadow moves into view, pursuing him, and he finally breaks into a run. Rounding one more corner, he gets several more steps down the sidewalk before stopping and recoiling in fear. A trash can lid clatters to the ground; he screams and covers his eyes. In his path is a small white cat, meowing. The manager screams again, then uncovers his eyes to look around.)

Manager: Huh?

(Cut back and forth twice between the cat, now purring, and the manager. He is limp with relief and laughing nervously.)

Manager: Whoo! (He wipes his forehead.) Silly imagination!

(Quickly pull back to point down the sidewalk toward the corner where he is standing, then zoom in on his face. We see a sudden flash of teeth, and he falls to the ground screaming. A sucking sound is heard. Dissolve to the front door of the bank; the manager is now lying with his body in view and his head o.c. right and is being dragged slowly away. Camera turns up to point at the moon, which becomes the sun as the scene dissolves.)

(It is now the next morning; we hear sirens and police radios. When the camera turns down again, the bank entrance has been marked off with yellow crime-scene tape. Police officers are investigating. Inside, the vault is open and empty, and a group of cops are staring speechless at the total lack of evidence or any sign of theft. The radio chatter continues, muffled, as the camera pans slowly from the vault to a cot in the corner. The manager is on it, and the girls are standing by him. (Y/N) stands next to the girls with a slight hint of intrigued.)

Blossom: Now, Mr. Bank Manager, sir, you were the only one who knew the combination to the safe. (eyeing him warily) So how was the crook able to open it?

Manager: (disoriented)—where... (He suddenly comes to and claps a hand to the side of his head.) Oh, my head!

Buttercup: He can't remember anything!

Blossom: Here, let me take a look at that.

(Extreme close-up of the hand as she removes it. The side of the manager's head sports a ring of puncture wounds. The girls gasp in surprise o.c.)

(Y/N): Heh weird bite. That's what I'm gonna call this move.

Narrator: Whoa! Seems the mystery miscreant sure left his mark. Question is, when and where will he strike again?

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