Hot Air Buffoon

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(Opening shot: the city skyline, with a clear sky overhead.)

Narrator: The city of Towns--

(He is interrupted by a very agitated Mayor as the camera pulls back to show the scene framed in the office window.)

Mayor: Never mind all that hoo-ha! I got an emergency! (picking up hotline) Powerpuff Girls, help!

(Freeze frame of two men robbing a bank; they resemble Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble.)

Mayor: (voice-over) The bank is being burgled by barefoot bandits!

(Freeze frame of the girls beating the robbers into submission.)

Mayor: (voice-over) Oh... thanks. (In the office, he calls again.) Powerpuff Girls, help!

(Freeze frame of a dinosaur in the city streets; it breathes fire as townspeople panic.)

Mayor: (voice-over) A dinosaur is destroying downtown!

(Freeze frame of Buttercup and Bubbles tying the beast's legs in a knot while Blossom uses her ice breath on it.)

Mayor: (voice-over) Uh... thank you. (In the office, he calls again.) Powerpuff Girls, help!

(Freeze frame of a large, ugly girl in a baby-doll dress, carrying buckets of jewelry; She is based on Jill from Jack and Jill.)

Mayor: (voice-over) Jewels are being jacked by Jill!

(Freeze frame of the girls beating the robber with the buckets.)

Mayor: (voice-over) Uh... thanks. (In the office, he calls again.) Powerpuff Girls!... Powerpuff Girls!... Powerpuff Girls!...

(The line echoes as the screen is tiled with smaller images of the Mayor holding the phone. Cut to an extreme close-up of him wiping his forehead, then pull back to show him at his desk.)

Mayor: Pheeeew! What a day, eh, Ms. Bellum?

(The camera pulls back again on the end of this line, and we see the back of a fat woman with curly red-orange hair and wearing a red dress. The strings of an apron are tied at her waist. The Mayor does a double take when he sees that this is not Ms. Bellum, his trusted assistant.)

Mayor: Who the heck are you?!

(Across the desk, we see the woman. Her face is repulsive at best: a hairy chin, big nose with a wart on it, serious five o'clock shadow. She has a mop and bucket next to her.)

Cleaning lady: (surly) I'm the nighttime cleaning staff.

Mayor: Well, you're in kinda early, then. We don't pay overtime, you know.

Cleaning lady: It's 11:30.

Mayor: 11:30?! (laughing) Well, I guess time sure flies when I'm keeping my fair city safe. (Stay on him.)

Cleaning lady: (from o.c.) You clod! (leaning into view across the desk) Do you really believe that you are responsible for keeping this town safe?! You, little man, are nothing but a political beard hiding behind the real head of this town!

Mayor: (stammering) Uh-- Who? Ms. Bellum?

Cleaning lady: (backing off) No! The Powerpuff Girls! They're the ones busting their butts and risking their lives out there in the mess, while you sit here in the comfort of your easy chair!

Mayor: (stammering) Uh-- Well, I do the phone thingy...

Cleaning lady: (sarcastically, walking away) Oh! Well, pardon me! If anything should happen to your dialing finger!

Powerpuff girls (male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now