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(We see the city of Townsville from a window.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville...

(A hand wipes the window.)

Narrator: Could use some tidying up!

Narrator: But the citizens of Townsville are up to the task.

(We then see the Powerpuff girls cleaning as Bubbles is cleaning the windows of there room, Blossom dusting the fan, and Buttercup vacuuming the floor.)

Narrator: Including Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles...The Powerpuff girls!

(The girls zoom around there room cleaning as Bubbles stop at there mirror seeing a purple spot on it.)

Bubbles: Hm...

Blossom: (To the girls) One more sweep around the perimeter and we're done!

Buttercup: It's about time! The sooner we're done, the sooner we get our allowance!

(Bubbles then started started rubbing the purple spot with a towel to clean it. She looks at it as the spot didn't disappear. She scrubs again and sees it hasn't disappeared yet. In annoyance she scrubs again as it hasn't disappeared yet. She gets mad.)

(Blossom and Buttercup come see what Bubbles is doing.)

Blossom: Aren't you done yet, Bubbles?

Buttercup: Yeah! C'mon time is money!

Bubbles: I'm trying. This dumb mirror won't come clean!

(In mid air they all look at the mirror.)

Buttercup: Just put some more elbow grease into it!

Bubbles: (disgusted) Ew! How's that going to help?

Blossom: What she means is scrub harder.

(Bubbles thinks about it. And then starts scrubbing as the spot was finally gone giving Bubbles a smile as the others look at the mirror in astonishment.)

Bubbles: There we go no more smudges.

Blossom: Um...Bubbles...?

(The camera pans to the mirror as the mirror had a vortex like motion as it just spun in a crèche inside the mirror.)

Buttercup: There's no more mirror, either!

Bubbles: Oh yeah...

(They all examine the mirror as Buttercup pokes it.)

Bubbles: Well maybe this...thingie was always here under the mirror.

Buttercup: What is it, anyhow? It looks like a vortex?

Blossom: Guys maybe we shouldn't...

(The vortex then sucked the girls inside as they spun in the vortex going deeper and deeper as they screamed as they went to the middle before vanishing.)

(The girls then landed in a lookalike bedroom but it was opposite of there own bedroom as the mirror was on the left. Octi looked mad and had a mohawk, a dog plushie looked to have foam coming out of its mouth as it stared at a cat plushie who was mad.)

Girls: Ow!

(The girls got up rubbing there heads in pain as they then looked around the room.)

Buttercup: Where are we? What happened to our room?

Blossom: I don't think this is our room...

Bubbles: (To evil Octi) You're not Octi!!!

Blossom: In fact, I think we've been sucked into an alternate dimension!

Powerpuff girls (male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now