Ploys R' Us

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(Opening shot: the city skyline, with the sun rising behind it.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville!

(As he continues, pull back to show the view framed through a window in the girls' bedroom, and follow a ray of sunlight as it advances across the floor.)

Narrator: A fortunate locale that has had bestowed upon it the greatest gift of all—the Powerpuff Girls!

(On the end of this, the sunbeam hits the bed; it then moves up toward the girls, who are fast asleep, and they screw up their eyes and grumble sleepily.)

Buttercup: (sleepily, rubbing her eyes) Go away, sun.

(Blossom yawns, Bubbles rubs her eyes, and all three begin to wake up.)

Bubbles: (sleepily) Just five more minutes?

(They close their eyes, and the peaceful scene is restored—but only for a moment. Suddenly, they sit straight up in bed, their eyes looking as if they might pop out of the sockets at any instant. Pull back quickly to reveal the source of what caused them to snap awake suddenly, bringing a large collection of toys into view and turn around to pan slowly across it. The first section of the pile runs heavy on games, puzzles, building toys, and educational items—just the sort of stuff that would be right up Blossom's alley. Extreme close-up of her face, panning slowly across, her eyes staring in disbelief and her jaw hanging slack. Next, we see a wide range of action toys: monsters, model rockets, yo-yos, foam-dart launchers, sporting goods—this is Buttercup's territory, and the camera cuts to her, framing her face in the same manner as Blossom's. Finally, an array of stuffed animals of all make and model is seen, everything from rabbits to oversized gorillas. A pogo stick and a huge box of crayons are included in this pile, which is ideal for Bubbles. She is framed as were her sisters, but drools slightly out of the corner of her mouth.)

[Note: The following "blasts from the past" are visible among the toys: a doll in the likeness of the young woman who stopped by at the end of "Mommy Fearest"; a beast resembling the one that snorted up Buttercup at the end of "Down n' Dirty"; one of the aliens that threatened Townsville at the start of "Daylight Savings"; a MERF gun similar to that used by Blossom in "PPGBRDAE," but with a targeting scope added; the little robot that fried Bubbles during her training in "Bubblevicious"; and dolls of Puppet Pals Clem and Mitch, who appeared in "Mommy Fearest" and "Hot Air Buffoon."]

(Pull back to show the girls still frozen at the sight of this mammoth windfall. There is no sound for a long moment. Then they zip out of bed and across the room. They are understandably excited and ecstatic—not to mention fully dressed and out of their pajamas in an instant.)

Bubbles: (hugging a stuffed pig) Piggy!

Buttercup: Cool! (putting on a catcher's mitt) A Glove!

Blossom: (grabbing an electronic game) A Learn & Listen!

[Note: This is a take-off on the Speak & Spell toy that was manufactured in the early 1980s.]

Buttercup: (holding up hands, covered with green slime) Goopy Goop!

Bubbles: (holding up crayons) Crayons!

Blossom: (grabbing chemistry set) I love chemistry!

Bubbles: (holding up princess doll) A Princess Patty!

Blossom: (holding up doctor doll) A Dr. Dee Dee!

[Continuity error: This toy is marked as "Dr. Suzy" in the initial pan.]

(Now Buttercup holds up a doll of her own—a bulked-up, brush-cut woman in Army fatigues.)

Buttercup: A Beefy Betty!

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