Sister Sitter

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(Opening scene: Cut to Bubbles' mouth)

Bubbles: Ahhh....(We see Professor Utonium using a Popsicle stick on Bubbles' mouth and Bubbles is covered with pimples)

Professor Utonium: Oh, dear. You got Spotted-Piglet Fever, all right.

Bubbles: (weakly) Spotted-Piglet Fever?

Professor Utonium: Oh, yes. I recognize those symptoms, anyway. (A sick pig appears) Snorting. (The pig snorts) Sneezing. (The pig sneezes and gets pimples on his body) Red spots. Imagining you're climbing Mount Everest. (Bubbles climbs on top of him)

Bubbles: I'm not leaving you, Mr. Sherpa. We're reaching...the summit together.

Professor Utonium: Okay, Bubbles. No school for you today. (He puts Bubbles to bed. Buttercup comes in)

Buttercup: Bubbles gets to stay home, I'll have to go to school like a nerd?

Blossom: (from o.s, weakly) Don't worry, Professor. I'll get Bubbles homework for her. (Blossom is seen holding her bag while getting ready for school, but she has pimples too. She started to snort and sneeze and a crashing noise is heard. She screams) Avalanche! (She leaps on the floor) No! The

Buttercup: Blossom, too? Why do I have to so healthy and perfect?

Professor Utonium: (Takes Blossom to bed) Even in normal, folks. Spotted-Piglet Fever can be tough. But in superheroes, who knows? As long as you take this antidote every hour, that should keep your bigger symptoms in check. (Pours the antidote in a spoon) All right, open up.

Bubbles: (Professor Utonium gives it to her. She crosses her arms) Hmph! (Professor then gives it to Blossom)

Blossom: (Holds up her blanket) Mm-mm!

Professor Utonium: Hmm...I know just what you need. Here comes the airplane.

Buttercup: Ugh. Here comes the song.

Professor Utonium: (singing) Drink the antidote, drink it up. Better from a plane, then from a cup. Drink the antidote, drink it up. Better from a plane, then from a cup. (Gives it to Blossom and Bubbles) And now, you just need a little rest and some peace and quiet. (Schedulebot comes in)

Schedulebot: Job interview today. Job interview today. Job interview today. Job interview today. (Closes the door)

Buttercup: What was that?

Professor Utonium: That was Schedulebot, reminding me I have a job interview today. But I guess I'll have to cancel. Someone has to take care of my little girls. (Bubbles snorts) Even if that means staying home. (echoing) Staying home...staying home...(Buttercup gets an idea and flies to her bed where Blossom and Bubbles are sick)

Buttercup: I'll stay home! How could I abandon my sisters when they're soooooo sick? (She hugs Blossom and Bubbles while her head is squeezed)

Professor Utonium: Well, I don't like the idea of you skipping school.

Buttercup: In between taking care of these two, I'll be studying all day. And besides...(Her head squeezes out) I'm super responsible.

(Cut to Buttercup sitting on the couch with her soda and many snacks that she has)

Buttercup: Ah, responsibility. (Drinks the soda and burps) I shall dub this day...Buttercup's Big Day Off! (Cut to the barbecue chips) A day of barbecue chips...(Pan to the candy in the bowl) candy, carrot sticks...(Zoom back to the carrot sticks are put in as ice cream spoons) As ice cream spoons. (Picks up the remote and turns on the TV) And daytime television.

TV Announcer: Judge Trudy is in session.

Buttercup: (Kicks the popcorn bowl) It's justice time!

Judge Trudy: Listen up, ya snortrags. I don't want any funny stuff in my courtroom! (A clown juggles some balls and the balls fall out and bump his head) No, no, no, no, no! You're already making me mad over here! (Smashes the lamp and the guest gets another lamp)

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