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(Opening shot: the city skyline in the afternoon.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville...

(A huge mountain of green slime rears up behind the buildings and screams. It has a small tuft of brown hair on top, and its eyes bug out from above a dripping mouth. Cut to street level and turn up toward the sky as people run screaming.)


(It moves into view farther down the block, roars, and knocks the top off a building. Freeze frame.)

Narrator: But earlier today... (Cut back to the skyline.) The city of Townsville... (Cut to the bridge across the bay.) ...enjoying a rare moment of peace.

(In the park, people are out for a jog.)

Narrator: Everything is running smoothly. (The skyline is seen from the park.) The sun is shining... (Turn down slightly to a busy birdbath.) ...the birds are singing.

(The skyline once again.)

Narrator: Yes, all is well in Townsville...

(Cut to a long shot of Townsville Hall, with a red banner reading "POWERPUFF DAY" strung up in front and a cheering crowd gathered around. The girls and the Mayor are on the front steps; a large object covered with a tarp sits next to them. Zoom in as the Narrator continues.)

Narrator: ...thanks to the continuing efforts of its denizen super-trio, the Powerpuff Girls!

(By now, the camera has arrived at a close-up of the girls. Pan to the Mayor during the next line.)

Mayor: On behalf of the great Mayor of Townsville— (His perspective of the crowd, panning slowly across.) —and the great citizens of Townsville— (Cut to him.) —it gives me great pleasure to stand here today and honor you— (Close-up of the girls, panning across; he continues o.c.) —the great defenders of Townsville— (Pull back to bring him into view.) —with the greatest gift of Townsville.

(Pull back to the original long shot.)

Mayor: And so henceforth, today will be officially declared Powerpuff Girls Day!

(Close-up of the girls, who appear quite pleased at this decree. The crowd cheers. Pull back to bring the Mayor into view again.)

Mayor: And to commemorate this glorious event... (jumping down, walking to covered object; camera follows) ...drum roll, please.

(He takes hold of the tarp as said drum roll begins.)

Mayor: I am proud to unveil this... (Close-up of the tarp; he continues o.c.) ...uh...

(He pulls the tarp away, revealing a bronze sculpture of the girls in a slight variation of their standard end-shot pose. Buttercup's lowered-eyebrow expression has found its way over to Blossom's face. The three are shown against a background of flying stars.)

Mayor: (from o.c.) ...uh...commemorative statue!

(Pull back slightly as the crowd cheers wildly. In no time flat, a flock of pigeons comes to roost on the work. The girls, standing in its shadow, look up in awe.)

Girls: (softly) Wow...

[Note: There is a bit of irony present in the entire ceremony. To catch it, back up and read the transcript of "Candy Is Dandy," which airs immediately before this episode in the US.]

(Blossom floats up to the microphone and clears her throat before addressing the crowd.)

Blossom: Thank you for this honor, Mayor. I promise all of you, as long as we're here, evil and wrongdoers will not prevail in Townsville!

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