Insect inside

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(Opening shot: the city skyline at night.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville, but enough about that.

(Cut to a house in a subdivision. This structure is a rather plain, boxy affair, with a large corner window on the first floor and three round ones on the second. A garage sits off to one side; the front door is bright red.)

Narrator: Here at the Powerpuff Girls' suburban home is where our story begins.

(A scream shatters the calm; inside, Bubbles is flying down the hall, doing her best to keep ahead of a cockroach scurrying after her. The camera follows her, but she gradually pulls ahead of it.)

Bubbles: Get away, get away, get away, get away, get away, get away! (Buttercup approaches from behind.)

Buttercup: I'll get it.

(She throws a punch at the wall, knocking a hole in it but missing the roach. Pan to Bubbles, hovering nearby.)

Bubbles: Did you get it?

(The roach moves into view, and she becomes so scared that her pigtails stand up straight.)

Bubbles: Aaah! (She flies o.c..)

(Buttercup flies up and fires her eye lasers at the wall; she burns up the paint but misses again. She flies o.c. after the roach, and Blossom flies up to inspect the damage.)

Blossom: Uh-oh. (flying o.c.) Girls.

(Cut to the chase: Bubbles fleeing from the roach and screaming, with Buttercup in hot pursuit.)

Bubbles: Aah! Squish it, squish it, squish, it, squish it, squish it! (Blossom catches up.)

Blossom: Buttercup, no. It's just a cockroach.

Buttercup: Shut up, Blossom. It's gross.

Blossom: It is not!

Bubbles: Is too. (flying o.c., the roach following) Squish it, squish it.

Buttercup: You got it, Bubbles. One squished roach coming up. (She pulls ahead and flies o.c.)

(Blossom stops briefly and groans in disgust, then flies o.c. after her sisters, rounding a corner.)

Blossom: Girls, no. (stopping) Ew! Gross!

(Close-up of a man in a white lab coat, with pens in its pocket. He wears a shirt and tie, and his head is impossibly rectangular with carefully parted black hair and thick eyebrows. Blossom addresses herself to him; he has the roach on his palm.)

Blossom: (from o.c.) Professor, you're touching it. (Pull back; the other two girls are next to him. Blossom lands by them.)

Buttercup: Oh. Not gross, hmm?

Blossom: It's not. I just wouldn't want to touch it. Blecch!

(The Professor's voice is deep and thoughtful, exactly the sort you might expect from am eminent scientist and/or a father figure in a 1950s TV show.)

Professor: Actually, girls, to him, well, you're pretty gross yourselves, with your big heads, large eyes, little bodies...

Girls: (irritated) Okay.

((Y/N) just got there after eating a sandwich.)

(Zoom in slowly on the roach as the Professor continues.)

Professor: You see, the Blattaodea, or more commonly known as the cockroach, may be ugly and disgusting, but (Close-up of the roach; he continues o.c.) they're also strong and focused creatures and are very important to the balance of nature.

Powerpuff girls (male reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now