Power-Up Puff

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(Opening scene: Cut to Bubbles, (Y/N), and Buttercup sitting on a couch while Bubbles holds the popcorn and Buttercup holds a drink, (Y/N) holds a gummy bear bag as Buttercup and Bubbles are leaning on (Y/N).)

Buttercup: It's starting! (Blossom comes in and is holding a drink. On TV, a chopping knife appears landing on a cutting board)

Malty: (from o.s) Tonight on "Sliced", 4 chefs will compete. Only one will win. The rest will be... (The chopping knife appears again) Sliced. (Cut to Malty) I am your host, Malty Brown. (We see hot dog silhouettes) Today's mystery will be...(The light turns on and we see that the hot dogs are red) Hot dogs!

Girls: Ooh!

Malty: Your time will start...(Presses the button on the clock) now. (We see a chef inside a science lab)

Chef Schnitzel: Using my particular version of molecular gastronomy, or as I like to call it "Spiegelstronomy". Zat is copywritten. (We see the technology computer) I am going to create a classic pigs in a blanket. But add a few small changes to the entire molecular structure. It will be, what do you call it? (A pig in a blanket appears) Yummy!

(Y/N): I'm scared for that pig.

Bubbles: Ooh! I love piggies! (She and Buttercup glare at Blossom who is vacuuming the floor, (Y/N) looks at her with a are you serious look.)

Buttercup: Blossom, keep it down, would ya?! We can't hear the show!

Blossom: (She stops vacuuming) Just because we are watching pigs, doesn't mean we need to be pigs. (She giggles)

Malty: (On TV) Chef Schnitzel, show us what you have prepared.

Buttercup: (Drops the drink) Shh. It's back on. (On TV, we see a plate with a lid on it)

Chef Schnitzel: May I present to you...(Opens the lid and we see 3 pigs in a blanket) Schweine in einer decke!

Malty: (from o.s) And now, the judging. (The judges stick their forks in the food) Here comes the fork. First bite...(The judges try it, but the pigs in a blanket form into a giant pig-in-a-blanket monster) What is happening? (The monster crashes out of the building as the people ran out screaming)

Chef Schnitzel: Vertistrikkelikke krikken schmicken!

(Y/N): My bad feeling was right! Heh nice.

Blossom: Come on, girls! Let's go save the day!

Buttercup: And the ratings. (The girls fly out of the room and the monster crashes the city as they watch it)

Bubbles: Oh my goodness! He's so cute! You're not gonna hurt him, Buttercup!

Buttercup: Watch me. (She flies to the monster and starts to crush him, but the monster starts fighting, crushing, and blocking her) Stupid pig! You ruined my favorite TV show!! (She starts to glow and her green power twirls around her)

Bubbles: What's happening to Buttercup?

Blossom: I'm not sure. (Buttercup's power is turned into a morning star)

Buttercup: What? (The morning star falls down) Oof! (She pulls it back up) What is this thing? (She moves the morning star up and down) Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Get it...(She swings the morning star and crashes on the building. Blossom and Bubbles fly to the building)

Blossom: Buttercup, are you okay? (Buttercup's power is now turned into a rocket, airplane, and a jet then she passed the monster and crashes) Hang on, Buttercup! (She does a battle cry and starts punching the monster and the monster giggles)

Bubbles: Uh-oh! Someone's got the piggy giggles! (She flies to the monster's snout) Look at his wittle piggy snout! (She flies to the tail) And he's got a wittle piggy tail!(Her eyes turn into small pigs) I love piggies! (With closed eyes)I love piggies! (She starts glowing and her power is blue and it turns into a pig as she opens her eyes.) I'm a piggy?

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