Slumbering with the enemy

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(Opening shot: the city skyline in the morning.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville,

(As he continues, pull back and pan along one street in the suburbs. Drivers and pedestrians are shaking hands. So are birds and squirrels.)

Narrator: a friendly town filled with friendly folks. And who better to be friends with? (Stop on the girls' house and zoom in.) Why none other than the Powerpuff Girls.

(Close-up of the welcome mat at the front door. The morning paper is thrown onto it. The door opens, and the Professor's hand reaches out to get the paper. The door slams. Cut to him, shuffling down the hall in his robe and slippers. The camera follows him, his head cut off by the top edge of the screen. The floor is littered with pencils, crayons, and bits of paper. As he moves along, we find the source of the mess—the girls are hard at work in the kitchen.)

Girls: (waving, Buttercup with a pair of scissors in her left hand) Good morning, Professor!

(He shuffles past them, yawning and mumbling, apparently not fully awake yet. Back to the girls, at a table cluttered with envelopes. The floor around them is covered with scraps from whatever arts and crafts project they are working on. Each of them put the finishing touches on an envelope, and all three hold them aloft in triumph. They take off, scattering paper everywhere, and fly off across the suburbs. Cut to a girl eating breakfast. The three fly to the open window of the (L/N) house cuz (Y/N) kept his window open for the girls as they put a paper with three hearts on it on (Y/N)'s bed. The three fly up to the window behind her and hover there. She stops eating, turns her head slowly to see who's there, then squeals in delight and upsets her cereal bowl when she slams her hands on it in excitement. She is off like a shot, running for the front door. Buttercup meets her there and hands her a piece of paper with a heart on it. Head-on view of the girl, holding this in front of her face. After a moment, she lowers it and nods enthusiastically. She waves to the girls as they take off.)

(Cut to a swing set, where three girls are swinging in unison, then to Blossom in midair. One of the girls swings up into view and takes an envelope out of her hand before descending again. Now Buttercup flies up and gives an envelope to a second girl when she swings up. Bubbles does the same with the third girl. All three swing back up, papers in hand, and nod. They swing down, and the girls take off.)

(Close-up of the surface of a body of water. The girls' reflections become visible in this. Pull back to show it as a small wading pool in the backyard of a house, with them standing next to it. Blossom carries a sheet of paper. After a moment, a girl pops her head up out of the water. She wears swim goggles and has a snorkeling tube in her mouth. Blossom hands her the paper. Head-on view of her, the sheet hiding her face. She lowers it and nods, the snorkel still in her mouth. The girls take off.)

(Long shot of another house. Blossom lands at the end of the driveway, her back to the camera. Extreme close-up of the doorbell as she rings it, then of an ear perking up. The ear is attached to a head with orange hair and a freckled cheek. Close-up of a hand turning the doorknob, then a head-on view of a girl with a sheet of paper in front of her face, the girls facing her. She has curly orange hair that sticks out past the edges—this is the person whose ears perked up—and after a moment, she lowers the paper and nods. She has fat cheeks and buck teeth. This is Julie Bean, whom we met in "Paste Makes Waste.")

(Camera follows them as they fly across Townsville and past Mojo's observatory. Stop on this. The telescope rotates to point after them as they continue o.c., curious as to what they've been up to, then turns back to the direction they came from. It begins to extend itself, zooming in. Cut to Julie, now standing on the sidewalk in front of her house and holding the sheet of paper, as the huge objective lens moves into view behind her. Julie takes no notice of it. Through the telescope, we see that the paper bears the following message in big black letters: "YOU ARE INVITED TO A SLUMBER PARTY AT THE POWERPUFF GIRLS' HOUSE!" The girls have been delivering invitations to this event.)

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