Shut The Pup Up

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(Opening shot: the city skyline at night.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! (Cut to an alley, in which a dog is nosing through a trash can.) Where even the most curious canine isn't safe from the dog-eat-dog world of crime.

(During the second part of the previous line, the dog pulls its head out, a bone clamped in its jaws, and we see that it is the Talking Dog. He cocks an ear to listen; cut to a shadowy corner of the alley. He slowly advances out of the darkness as a male Italian voice speaks up.)

Italian 1: (from o.c.) Hey, hurry up already before someone catches us!

(Cut to just behind the pooch. He is looking down the alley at the waterfront, where two silhouettes - one fat, one thin - are dragging a large sack toward the edge. The man who spoke is one of them; now the other speaks.)

Italian 2: I can't! It's just so darn heavy!

(On the end of this, cut to the Talking Dog again. Back to the two men after he finishes; now, in close-up, we can see them clearly. The fat one was the first to talk.)

Italian 1: Well, maybe if there weren't so many pieces! (The Talking Dog again.)

Italian 2: (from o.c.) Just throw it in the water before it starts to stink up the joint!

(He sniffs on the end of this and grimaces in terror. There is a loud splash from o.c. - the load has been jettisoned - and he fearfully backs into the shadows. However, he runs into the trash can and makes a clatter, and the two Italians turn to look.)

Italian 1: Who's there?

(The canine just sits there and looks up for a moment. Cut to a quick pan along a street, with him pulling into view and running for all he is worth, then shift to point along his path - he is heading for the police station. Turn up to the roof as a helicopter lands on it. Fade to black.)

(Snap to the exterior of the girls' house. It is now the next day.)

Bubbles: (from inside) It's my turn, Buttercup!

(In the kitchen, they are seated around the table, with bowls of cereal before them - breakfast time. Bubbles and Buttercup are pulling the box back and forth, while the Professor watches from a counter at the other end of the room. (Y/N) sits next to Bubbles as he eats.)

Bubbles: You had the last prize!

(The classic argument: who gets the prize in the cereal box? Close-up of Buttercup.)

Buttercup: Come on, Bubbles, there are tattoos in this one!

Bubbles: (from o.c.) I don't care! (She pulls the box away; cut to her.) They're mine!

Buttercup: (from o.c., yanking box back) You don't even like tattoos! (Pull back to frame both.) Gosh, why do you have to be such a brat?

(They pull the box back and forth in time with the next lines.)

Bubbles: Bossy!

Buttercup: Baby!

Bubbles: Bully!

Professor: (from o.c., taking box) That's enough, girls. (Cut to him.) Now you know I don't like it when you shout mean and hurtful things at each other. (bending down to them.) Now think a minute before you say those things, and you'll realize you don't really mean them. Okay?

Bubbles, Buttercup: Okay.

Professor: (standing up.) Good. Now I'm going to put these tattoos where they belong. (The doorbell rings.)

Blossom: Who could be here this early? (The girls zip away.)

(Cut to just inside the front door, which has now been opened to admit the caller. The camera is at ground level, showing this person from the waist down: clad in black slacks and shoes, with a tan overcoat, and holding what looks like a pet carrier in one hand. Turn up slowly to the face, a man's, defined by heavy jowls and small eyes shaded under the brim of a dark hat. His entire no-nonsense, cheerless air practically screams "government agent.")

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