Him Diddle Riddle

528 7 2

(Opening shot: the city skyline as it might appear if it were carved in stone.)

Blossom: (from o.c.) The city of Townsville...

(Pull back. The view is part of the stonework on a clock tower.)

Blossom: (from o.c.) ...could be in grave danger!

(Pull back farther. Now the girls are seen floating in the foreground.)

Blossom: And we've only been given two minutes to solve this riddle!

Buttercup: Okay, okay. What's big and yellow with 65 eyes, traveling the city to meet its demise?

(They begin thinking as rumbling footsteps are heard. Behind them, a huge yellow creature moves across the screen, roaring as it goes. Its lumpy body is studded with dozens of eyes. The realization sinks in after a moment, and they go after the beast, which has already gone to work destroying buildings. Each girl lands a blow to one eye, with shots of the ticking clock following each attack, after which they regroup and make one last charge. The screen explodes from the impact; when it clears, the monster collapses to the pavement. Pull back down the street as Blossom and Buttercup fly into view in the fore. Bubbles appears in the background and flies back and forth over the carcass.)

Blossom, Buttercup: (high-fiving) Yeah!

Blossom: That was easy.

Buttercup: And with 45 seconds to spare!

Bubbles: (calling to them) Hey! This guy only has 60 eyes!

(Her words catch them by surprise. Cut to her as they fly up on either side.)

Buttercup: Liar!

Bubbles: Then count 'em.

Buttercup: (zipping about, ticking off eyes) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...58, 59, 60...Blossom, she's right! (Cut to Blossom.)

Blossom: If that's not it, what could it be? (A school bus drives behind her.)

Bubbles, Buttercup: (pointing) The school bus is big and yellow!

Blossom: Let's go! (They zip away.)

(We see an overhead view of them in flight, then a close-up of the bus's passenger-side windows, filled with kids. The girls' reflections are visible in the glass. As Blossom speaks, the camera pans ahead of them toward the front, putting them out of view.)

Blossom: There are 32 kids on board; that makes...64 eyes. (Stop on the driver.)

Buttercup: (from o.c.) But with the bus driver, it makes sixty...

(He turns to the camera, revealing a patch over his left eye.)

Bus driver: Hi, girls! (Pull back to show them and the bus. There is no road under it.)

Girls: ...five!

(The bus plunges out of view, its occupants screaming all the way down, and the camera pulls back to show that it has just driven off a broken bridge and is on its way to the water, heading for a quick demise. A quick close-up of the top of the clock, its second hand ticking toward 12, then back to the girls.)

Blossom: Three seconds!

(They dive for the bus and catch it just above the water's surface, carrying it to safety. Back to the clock as the second hand completes its circuit. The girls lift the bus into the air in front of it and set it safely down on the street, then regroup in midair, smiling proudly. What they hear next startles them out of their celebration in an instant.)

"Him": (from o.c., effeminate voice) Congratulations!

(Now on the ground, they look up and find that his face has replaced the clock's, with the hands still in place.)

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