The City of Nutsville

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(Opening shot of the City of Townsville.)

Narrator: The City of Townsville! (A large, white statue of the Mayor is lifted into view. The statue appears to depict him naked but for a single leaf and playing the harp. The base simply lists the piece as 'OUR MAYOR'. It is placed down over a large hole in the ground in the Townsville park.) Is getting a little fix-me-up! (The mouth of the statue begins spouting water. It is a decorative fountain. Zoom out to show a crowd gathered around the fountain. They cheer as a crane backs off screen left. Standing some way away is Ms. Bellum and the Mayor, who turns to his secretary, his entire head, turning back on his otherwise stationary body.)

Mayor: Oh, the likeness is uncanny! (A bird decides to use the statue as its personal toilet, and a moment later, the same is done to the real Mayor. Pan left from the fountain to show the Professor, (B/N), (Y/N) and the girls having a picnic.)

Blossom: The likeness is uncanny! (A bee buzzes around the Professor and he swats at it.)

Buttercup: It's about time the Mayor filled that giant pothole. (Also swats at the bee)

Bubbles: (Spreading jam over her sandwich) I think it's nice that the Mayor is keeping Townsville nice.

Buttercup: Filling potholes is his job, Bubbles. Being nice has nothing to do with it.

Bubbles: I don't care, he's still nice. (The bee lands on her bread, which she then slathers with more jam and covers with the other sticky slice. She then takes a bite. A muffled buzzing is heard inside Bubbles, much to Buttercup's surprise. The family leans forward in concern.)

Buttercup: Bubbles?

(Y/N): Bubbles are you okay?

Blossom: You're...buzzing.

Bubbles: I'm what? (She stops, noticing something is up before we hear the age-old sound of a cartoon jab. The bee has stung her from the inside.) Yeow! (The screen snaps to black.)

Professor: Wake up, Bubbles. Come on, Bubbles, open your eyes. (Fade in. Powerpuff bedroom int., the Professor leans over the camera, which is seeing the world from Bubbles' point of view. Blossom and Buttercup float off to the side. (Y/N) is next to her holding her hand in concern.) Oh, that's it, that a girl. (Cut to Bubbles, eyes struggling to open) There she is. There's our Bubbles.

Blossom: Gee, Bubbles, getting stung in the throat by that bee must have really hurt. (Bubbles tries to respond, but her voice is weak and hoarse, and her words are impossible to make out. The Professor's hand appears before her face, finger shaking in a scolding manner.)

Professor: Ah ah ah. The doctor said no speaking for a week. The less you speak, the sooner you can get out of that, um... That, er...(Zoom out, showing Bubbles has been given a neck brace. She lies under the green section of the Powerpuff tri-color bed. Cut to Buttercup and Blossom, who are still floating in midair.)

Buttercup: Face brace? (Blossom tries not to laugh before both erupt into full-blown laughter. Bubbles tries to show her displeasure but is unable to make herself heard, much to her annoyance. (Y/N) looks at them in annoyance as Bubble's grip on (Y/N)'s hand became slightly stronger. The Professor comes over and wraps an arm around Bubbles' shoulder.)

(Y/N): My powers have been a bit weak lately so I couldn't heal your throat...Sorry...

(Bubbles looks at (Y/N) as she then held (Y/N)'s hand still, she then laid down on (Y/N)'s lap with a smile and a slight blush.)

Professor: Now, now, girls. It's not nice to make fun of your sister's condition. It's not her fault that she's stuck wearing this...this um...

Buttercup: Throat moat? (They laugh again. Back at the bed, the Professor too is struggling not to laugh until finding himself on the receiving end of his sweetest daughter's glare.)

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