Just Another Manic Mojo

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(Opening shot: the city skyline during a beautiful morning.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville!

(Turn quickly down to the street and pan along it as he continues. We see people of all sorts traveling on foot and wheels, on their way to some recreation.)

Narrator: And look! The wonderful citizens of Townsville, or "Townies," as I like to call them, are gathering in Townsville Park for a day of fun-filled activities. What joy! (He laughs loudly.)

(On the latter part of this line, the camera reaches the park, which is filled with families enjoying themselves at picnics and games. After a few seconds, the Narrator cuts himself off abruptly, his voice taking on a darker, more ominous tone.)

Narrator: (coldly) But one place in Townsville Park is not filled with fun activity.

(Fade to black during this line, then snap to...)

Narrator: Townsville Volcano Mountain! (Zoom in slowly on the observatory.) For on top of this mountain lies the lair...

(Dissolve to a long shot of Mojo Jojo, fast asleep in bed inside, and zoom in slowly as he continues.)

Narrator: ...of the revengeful, resentful, spiteful, lawbreaking, mad, swindling, thieving, malicious, extorting, assaulting, crooked, torturous, dishonest, complaining, wicked, indecent, menacing, touchy, swarthy, shadowy, villainous villain of all time.

(At the end of this, dissolve to a close-up of a digital alarm clock. The time is 8:59. Two toy monkeys hold hammers near a bell on top of the unit.)

Narrator: And he calls himself...

(The time advances to 9:00 on the nose and the monkeys start ringing the bell with their hammers. Mojo reaches into view and shuts the alarm off with a single finger; pull back to show him now sitting up in bed and looking much the way normal people do when they first get up - not very good, that is. He wears striped pajamas and a matching nightcap.)

Narrator: ...Mojo Jojo! Oh, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!

(Ignorant of the Narrator's hateful remark, Mojo yawns and slides his feet into a pair of slippers by the bed before shuffling across the lair toward a huge, closed hatch with a console in front of it. He reaches this and presses a button; the hatch slides open to give him a view of the bright, beaming sun just outside. It is enough to bring him fully awake as his face takes on an angry scowl and grimace.)

Mojo: (low voice) Curses. (The hatch closes.)

(A message flashes up on a screen: "Morning Preparation Sequence Activated!" Mojo, still looking quite out of sorts, is carried across the lair on a conveyor belt to stop behind a red screen. Now he is visible as a silhouette. First, several mechanical arms reach in to strip him of his pajamas and nightcap. These retract and are replaced by showerheads that drench him with steaming hot water; he jumps and grunts at the feel of it on his skin. The showerheads give way to a large heat lamp that dries him in seconds. Now back in his pajamas, he slides out and opens his mouth so that another arm can brush his teeth. His braincap is lowered and set into place on his head; at this point, he has the rest of his villain outfit on and is standing with his back to us. Once the cap is adjusted properly, he turns toward the camera - he is now properly dressed for another day of trying to run Townsville ragged.)

Mojo: Now to have some breakfast!

(Cut to inside a refrigerator. It opens, revealing him standing at it and looking in. The egg tray has only one occupant, a fact that immediately causes him great consternation.)

Mojo: One egg left?!

(This is enough to set him off on a rant.)

Mojo: For a nutritious breakfast, two eggs is the minimum requirement! And I have but one, which is one shy of two! And it is two that I need! (low voice) Curses.

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