Just Desserts

651 15 3

[Note: It may be helpful to read the transcript for "Supper Villain" first, since this episode continues the storyline of that one.]

(Opening shot: the city skyline at night.)

Narrator: Last week, in the city of Townsville...

(Fade to black, then in to the exterior of the Smith family home as seen in "Supper Villain." The sun comes up, and the alarm clock goes off.)

Narrator: Average home.

(Fade to black, then in to Harold Smith inside, sitting up in bed and shutting off the alarm. Marianne, his wife, is still asleep, her head turned sideways so we only see the side facing the camera.)

Narrator: Average man— (Harold Smith puts on his glasses.) Harold Smith.

(Fade to black, then in to the breakfast table. Buddy and Julie, the two Smith children, sit to either side of Harold. Marianne sets down a stack of pancakes and ducks away.)

Narrator: Average family.

(Bud crosses his arms in anger as he speaks.)

Bud: This family stinks!

(Fade to black, then in to Harold at his job filling mustard jars as simple as using one control to fill them and the other to screw the lid on afterwards.)

Narrator: Average job.

(Fade to black, then in to him ducking into his secret workroom at home with a sinister smile on his face.)

Narrator: Average little secret.

(Fade to black, then in to Marianne at the front door, about to let guests in.)

Narrator: Average visit... (She opens the door, revealing the Professor, (Y/N), and the girls.) ...from not-so-average neighbors—

(Fade to black, then in to a close-up of the girls at the door with (Y/N). This is the start of the dinner party.)

Narrator: the Powerpuff Girls.

(Fade to black, then in to Harold's sweating forehead.)

Narrator: Average tension.

(Fade to black, then in to Buttercup on the couch.)

Buttercup: Villains are stupid!

(Fade to black, then in to Harold's perspective as he runs toward the workroom door.)

Narrator: Average panic.

(Snap to black as the door slams, then fade in to everybody else around the coffee table.)

Blossom: Basically, there's no villain around that could take us. (The edge of Harold's bath-mat cape moves into view.)

Harold: Oh, really?

[Note: The Girls' reaction shows the same animation goof as before—reversed eye colors.]

(Fade to black, then in to Harold's feet and turn up toward his head during the next line. He is now in his makeshift villain costume—red thermals, yellow rubber gloves, sparkler on head, holster strapped up, bath-mat cape, goggles.)

Narrator: Average villain...Harold Smith.

(Fade to black, then in to a close-up of a very proud Harold.)

Narrator: Average crime.

Harold: (drawing hairdryer (fake weapon)) I'm going to take this raygun... (Pull back. He puts it to the Professor's head.) ...and melt the Professor's head clear off his shoulders! Ha, ha, ha, ha!

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