Twisted sister

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(Opening shot: the city skyline under a bright sun and clear blue sky.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville, on a sunny Sunday afternoon.

(Dissolve to a man asleep in a hammock.)

Narrator: The perfect day to put your feet up,

(Dissolve to a man and woman set up for a picnic. She is feeding him grapes.)

Narrator: have a picnic,

(Dissolve to a long shot of a car motoring along a road that parallels the beach.)

Narrator: take a drive up the coast,

(Dissolve to the beach and pan slowly along it. People are sunbathing and playing.)

Narrator: or just kick back, relax, and let all your troubles wash away with the tide.

(The camera continues its pan.)

Narrator: Everyone is taking it easy. Everyone except for...

(A tentacle snaps into view, holding a screaming Bubbles. Pull back quickly to show the owner of the tentacle: a large, brownish-green sea creature with a single red eye.)

Narrator: ...the Powerpuff Girls!

(Buttercup and Blossom fly in. Buttercup breaks the tentacle holding Bubbles, and both charge in to attack. Blossom smashes through the creature's midsection while Buttercup breaks its teeth and Bubbles hits it in the eye. Next Blossom knocks off one of its fins, and all three close in to deliver the finishing blow. The creature is knocked senseless into the air; when it hits the water, the splash covers the screen.)

(The water drains away to show a frightened man being held at knifepoint. He holds up a watch; the camera turns around to show the perpetrator - it is the Gangrene Gang, with Ace holding the knife and the watch. They laugh over their deed; then the camera pulls back at ground level. Now we see Blossom's lower half from behind. She and the other girls make short work of the Gang and knock them flying.)

(As the five sail o.c., the scene wipes to a railroad bridge. A train barrels along with it at full speed. Close-up of the engineer, whose expression suddenly changes from calm to panic. Ahead of him, the rails have snapped. The girls fly-in, pulling ahead of the train, and place themselves in the gap to pull the rails straight. Bubbles gets into position just as the train thunders over them.)

(As the end of the train passes into view, the scene wipes to a window washer doing his job on a scaffold high above the street. The ropes fray and break, and he plummets toward the ground; the girls dash in to save him. Blossom catches his abdomen, Buttercup catches his feet, and Bubbles catches his hard hat, which she places back on his head and they lower him.)

(Cut to a fiery meteor soaring through the sky. The girls fire their eye lasers at it, reducing it to pebble size by the time it reaches the ground in the streets of Townsville. In the forest, a large grizzly bear rears up over a man and roars; the girls arrive, and Buttercup roars right back, even more loudly. The bear turns and runs, yelping, and the man and her sisters applaud her performance.)

(Back in the city, an armed robber with a sack of cash runs along the sidewalk as an alarm rings. He passes Bubbles, who trips him and sends the loot flying, and lands at the feet of Blossom and Buttercup. The former catches the money, and the latter thumps him under the chin before he hits the ground.)

(A hot-air balloon floats through the sky. It bursts; the girls turn around, alarmed. The balloon's basket falls, its occupant holding a teapot and cup and not seeming particularly distressed. Blossom dives in and catches the rig, and the remains of the balloon settle over the man as Bubbles and Buttercup watch.)

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