Seed No Evil

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(Opening shot: a prehistoric village. Several tall volcanoes emit fumes in the background, and laid out around them is a network of roads and stone buildings. The scene looks something like a caveman equivalent of modern Townsville . A very Narrator-like voice grunts in the cadence of today's opening line, "The city of Townsville!", and the camera starts to pan slowly along the rest of the area, with a Ptenarodon flying by, screeching. More caves and structures are seen during this movement; dissolve to a man standing by a small tree. Caveman Narrator grunts some more, and the man tears up the growth and scratches his back with it, groaning happily and jerking one foot as dogs sometimes do.)

(A short old fellow walks into view, and the camera follows him. He can immediately be recognized as an early counterpart of the Mayor , but with a couple of differences. One, his eyebrows form a single band that stretches beneath his entire forehead. Two, instead of a top hat, he wears a small black skull that floats just above his scalp. He drags a small bag behind him. In the background, one man shakes a tree to dislodge the fruits on its branches, while another swings a club to break them after they fall.)

(Caveman Mayor stops at a shop window with a sign above it: "MMOWFS." The woman behind the counter grunts a query, but he seems somewhat indecisive. She leans toward him, makes a suggestion, then starts to root around under the counter. After a moment, she grunts appreciatively and pulls out a fish, which she sets down. She asks a question; he responds enthusiastically and opens the bag, which he has laid down beside himself. Close-up of it, revealing that it is full of seeds.)

(He takes a handful and counts a few into the shopkeeper's hand, and she gives him the fish and waves as he walks away. Caveman Mayor grunts to himself; zoom in on the bag, which he is again dragging behind himself, and pull back to show it reflected in the eyes of another resident. This is a big fellow with a shock of reddish hair, and he is chuckling wickedly and watching the action from a vantage point that is several feet up a tree. He whips out of sight behind the trunk, and a pair of elephant legs rears into view from behind the trunk as the animal trumpets loudly. The entire animal then emerges; it is a large mastodon, and the caveman is riding it. Raising a club, he shouts a command and the creature charges at the camera.)

(When the hoodlum's face fills the view, cut back to Caveman Mayor, still carrying his fish and dragging the bag of seeds. Long shot of the "city," which starts to tremble as the mastodon's trumpeting grows louder, then back to him. He stops short, mumbling a bit - "what gives?" - and the fish goes limp in his hand. He looks about himself for the source of the earthquake; cut to the charging ne'er-do-well, who leans down over the side of his mount with one hand outstretched. He keeps bearing down on Caveman Mayor, who has his back to the assailant. At the last moment, the little fellow turns around and sees what is going on. In a panic, he throws the fish away - and then his bag of seeds is jerked out of his grip. The mastodon rider has just pulled off a robbery; he whoops and waves his club as he flees the scene.)

(Caveman Mayor runs screaming through the streets, attracting the attention of the shopkeeper and the man who scratched his back with the uprooted tree. He stops, picks up two rocks, and starts to bang them together. Turn up from him and pass several other dwellings on higher ridges, then stop on a aquarish stone house with three rough-hewn windows near its roof - a precursor to the residence of the girls and the Professor today. One small figure leaps out of each window, and the three land near the camera. They look just like the girls, but their hair is a good bit more untidy and their foreheads come down much farther, stopping at a prominent ridge over their eyes. They wear fur garments in their modern counterparts - respective colors and carry a large meat drumstick apiece; Cavegirl Blossom's has a bite taken out of it. Instead of a bow and clip, she wears a bone in her hair.)

(They grunt in unison, to the cadence of "The Powerpuff Girls !" as in the Narrator's usual closing lines, then raise their drumsticks and shove them into their mouths. An instant later, they pull the bones out - stripped clean - and twirl them overhead before holding them in front of themselves and giving a threatening grunt. They then belch from the meal they just wolfed down.)

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