Mommy Fearest

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[Note: In this episode, the characters of Ima Goodelady and Sedusa have two distinct manners of speaking. Once they begin to switch back and forth, there will be an indication of which tone is used in each new scene and when the changes occur.]

(Opening shot: the city skyline at night.)

Narrator: The City of Townsville, which is kept safe from crime until...

(Cut to a TV screen showing a program with Puppet Pals Clem and Mitch, two characters from the 'bumper' segments on Dexter's Laboratory. Mitch has his padded bonking stick.)

Mitch: (hitting Clem overhead) Bonk, bonk!

Clem: Who's there?

Mitch: (hitting Clem) Bonk!

Clem: Bonk who?

Mitch: (hitting Clem) Just bonk.

(A laugh track is heard throughout this exchange. At the end of it, the camera shifts to show the Professor, (Y/N), (who is sleeping over.) and the girls watching the program in their living room. They laugh along with it.)

Professor: 7:00. Time for bed, kids.

(They are going up the stairs in a flash and hit the bathroom to brush their teeth (Y/N) goes to another bathroom with his sleeping bag and brushes his teeth; the professor looks in from the hallway. Cut to him, holding a pink nightgown over his head.)

Professor: Blossom!

(She zips across the screen and into the waiting gown. Now he holds up a light green one.)

Professor: Buttercup!

(She follows her sister's lead, after which the Professor holds up a light blue gown.)

Professor: Bubbles! (Turn down to his feet.) Bubbles?

(The girl in question tiptoes past, giggling and wearing only her bra and her underwear.)

Professor: (walking o.c., sternly) Come back here, young lady!

(Still giggling, Bubbles flies around a corner and down the hall but hits the brakes when she sees that the Professor has moved in to intercept her. She suddenly finds herself in her nightgown; he points the way to the bedroom.)

Professor: Bed. (She floats sadly o.c.)

(Dissolve to him at the bedroom doorway.)

Professor: Good night, girls. (He turns off the lights and shuts the door.)

(Cut to a slow pan across the bed. Buttercup and Blossom have gone out as quickly as the lights did, but a quick pan to Bubbles shows her sitting up, stuffed octopus in hand and looking very ill at ease. Out in the hall, the Professor has turned to leave when he catches the sound of soft whimpering through the door. He turns back; inside the room, the hinges squeak and a ray of light fall across Bubbles - he has cracked the door open for her. They smile at one another, and she instantly goes to sleep. We also see (Y/N) asleep on the floor with a blow out mattress on the floor which he is laying on. During this sequence, we see for the first time the entire decoration on the bed's headboards: a large pink heart with the initials "PPG" inside it.)

(Now he walks off down the hall, still smiling; after a few steps, though, his entire body slumps over and a look of deep weariness steals over his face. His pace slows as well. After a few more steps, he bends over so far that his hands are almost dragging the ground. He can hardly muster the energy to drag his feet along the carpet. Dissolve to his bedroom as he enters, now wearing his own pajamas and still moving in that broken-down shuffle. Cut to an overhead view of him as he pulls up the covers and looks off to one side; pan in that direction to show the other half of his double bed occupied only by the moonlight, then back to him. Pull back to bring the entire bed into view as he sighs heavily. Loneliness has found its companion for the evening.)

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