Subsitute Creature

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(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day.)

Narrator: The city of Townsville! (Cut to a boy in bed; he has one eye open and aimed at a clock-radio.) Where the children can't wait to wake up for school.

(The clock advances to 6:00 and goes off; he is out of bed in an instant. The alarm beeping gives way to a radio DJ's voice.)

DJ: Good morning, Townsville kindergartners! Are you ready for another super day of scholarship?

(In the bathroom, the boy brushes his teeth, standing on a stool so he can reach the sink. He is in his underwear. A lively march starts up.)

DJ: Gimme a K!

Boy 1: K! (Outside a girl's window; she pulls on a dress.)

DJ: Gimme an E!

Girl 1: E! (At a kitchen table: a boy is served pancakes.)

DJ: Gimme an A!

Boy 2: A! (Pan along the table as this continues; two others-triplets-are served.)

DJ: N!

Boy 3: N!

DJ: E!

Boy 4: E!

DJ: What's that spell?

Boys 2, 3, 4: Keane! (Another mother holds up a bag lunch for her son as he jumps past.)

DJ: What's that spell?

Boy 5: Keane! (Outside on a street; kids lean out their front doors eagerly.)

DJ:  I can't hear you!

Girl 3: Keane!

Boy 6: Keane!

Girl 4: Keane!

(Pull back to show both sides of the street; kids line the sidewalks.)

Kids: KEANE!

Boy 1: (marching along) K is for Kindhearted,

Girl 1: (leapfrogging him) E is for Evenhanded,

Boy 5: (handstand on bike)  A is At Any Expense!

(A school bus rolls up, carrying the triplets.)

Boys 2, 3, 4: N is for Never Late, we never wait for class at eight-

(The bus pulls ahead a bit; another boy hangs onto the rear door.)

Boy 6: E is for Excellence!

(Many more kids fall in and march down the sidewalks.)

Kids: K is for Kindhearted, E is for Evenhanded, (They pass a pet shop.)

                        A is At Any Expense!

(They go through an intersection; a crossing guard has stopped a truck for them.)

                        N is for Never Late, we never wait for class at eight,

Trucker: E is for Excellence!

(The throng reaches another intersection, having grown enough to fill the entire street from one side to the other. Banners and posters have been hung up in Ms. Keane's honor, and the kids carry a parade balloon in her likeness.)

Kids: Keane! Keane!

                        She's so keen, she's the queen!

                        She's on the scene, she's good and clean,

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